Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Church Bells


I can hear the church bells ringing

and my heart they are stinging.

It's a wedding and it's not ours,

I waited for you countless hours.

The weather is sunny and the sky is blue,

you are far away and I am starting to miss you.

The bells still are ringing,

I can hear people from afar singing.

They are singing songs about love,

my eyes are looking at the sky above.

Promises were made,

I hoped you would come

even though you were late.

Once a promise is made it's like a vow

that can't be broken,

when the time comes to make it happen

your heart should be woken.

But sadly, this promise of yours

was made with crossed fingers,

but in my mind, your sweet vow still lingers.

The church bells are ringing,

you won't be my groom and I won't be your bride,

I lost you, but you lost your pride.

A tear in the eye is something that you can't pay,

the pain you caused will always stay.

So many tears, so many fears

of losing myself and winning your heart,

but you failed to play your part.

Now when I hear the church bells ringing,

my heart and lips won't be singing.

Love Maze


Love is a maze,

once you are lost inside

you encounter unseen wonders

that truly amaze.

But these wonders lure your heart,

and soon after the real you fall apart.

You lose yourself in a mystery

and when you don't get what you desire,

your life becomes a misery.

You want love,

but love feels unreachable,

you chase it,

but it flies away

like a dove.

But your heart doesn't know

that true love doesn't fly away,

true love you don't chase,

it just simply stays.

True love doesn't hurt,

true love cleans the dirt.

Everything becomes divine

and everything in your life

falls into line.

You smile and never cry,

because love never passes you by.

If you want to find true love just wait for it,

love is when two hearts come together

and they never split.

Another Dream


I had another simple dream,

that can't come true, 

I want to travel away from here

and everything that's cruel.

For a moment I wish to walk

in a different story,

my life is slowly withering

and I can't feel the glory.

I need to walk barefoot on sand,

I wish by the sea my feet to stand.

I want to feel the waves caressing my skin,

I don't care if I walk on ice that is thin.

I want in adventure to dive,

I want to live and feel that I am alive.

When you don't move forward years pass by,

It feels like you are living another life,

Your life feels as if only one day has passed,

and when there are no memories,

your soul feels crushed.

In your mind,

you are somewhere far away,

but in reality, your heart is slayed.

You make only wishes that fall apart,

your life is slowly ending,

but it feels like you are at the start.

You open the window

and the fresh wind touches your face,

for a moment,

you feel you are finally embraced.

You are back in reality once again

and you realize you have to be happy

right where you stand.




MARIA GALABOVSKA is a Macedonian poetess and graphic designer. She was born in 1991 in Kočani. The love for writing appeared from an early age. She began to actively create and write in her twenties. She has written a large number of poems in Macedonian and English. In her poetry, she describes the feelings in a refined style that holds the reader’s attention until the very end. She publishes her first collection of poems under the title “When love sets, pain rises” in August 2023 and her second collection of poems under the title “Verses remain” in July 2024. Her poems are divided into several anthologies in the country and abroad. “As long as you create, you live” - is her motto.

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