Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Elegy of Karbala




In the desert’s silent wail,

Beneath a sun's relentless blaze,

 A tale of sorrow unfolds,

 In a sea of endless, piercing gaze.


Imam Hussain stood firm and tall,

Against the tyrant’s cruel call,

His heart a beacon of pure light,

 In the darkest of the night.


With family dear, and loyal few,

 He faced the fate he always knew,

 Their thirst for justice, noble and true,

 In Karbala’s sands, they bid adieu.


The children’s cries, the women’s plea,

 Echoed through eternity,

As swords clashed and arrows flew,

Their steadfast faith, a sacred view.


O Karbala, your plains so vast,

Hold the sorrow of the past,

The blood of martyrs, rich and pure,

 Endures in memory, ever sure.


In sacrifice, they found their peace,

 In justice, their resolve did cease,

 The legacy of their stand so brave,

Lives on beyond the silent grave.





In Karbala's land of sorrow and pain

A tragedy befell, a story to remain

Hussain, the noble, with courage in heart

Faced Yazid's army, a brutal work of art


Seventy-two brave souls, with honor true

Fought against thousands, for justice anew

The desert sun beat down, with relentless might

As the battle raged on, through day and night


The cries of "Labbaik" echoed, a call to the brave

As Hussain's companions, their lives did crave

The scent of martyrdom, in the air did spread

As the righteous few, against the oppressors bled


Eternal Fame.


Oh Karbala, oh Karbala, a name that brings tears

A memory that lingers, through all the passing years

A tale of sacrifice, of courage and might

A story of Hussain, and his companions in light


The sands of the desert, still whisper their name

As the wind carries the tale, of their eternal fame

Their blood-watered the soil, their spirits did soar

As they fought for the truth, and the just cause they bore


Their legacy lives on, a beacon in the night

Guiding us towards justice, and the light of what's right

May their sacrifice never be forgotten, nor fade

The memory of Karbala, forever in our hearts be made.


Tears of Zainab A.S.


O Zainab, sister strong and wise,

In Karbala, beneath harsh skies,

You stood, defiant, heart ablaze,

Amidst the chaos, cruel and daze.


Your tears, a river flowing deep,

 For brothers, sons, in eternal sleep,

Your voice, a cry of righteous fire,

 In chains, you walked, but never tire.


In courts of tyrants, you did stand,

With eloquence, a guiding hand,

Your words, a dagger to their lies,

A beacon ‘neath oppressive skies.


The children clung to you in fear,

Yet you remained, a light so clear,

Their solace in a world gone dark,

 Your spirit, igniting a sacred spark.


O Zainab, through your strength we see,

 The power of truth and dignity,

 In every tear, a story told,

 Of bravery, of hearts so bold.


Your legacy, a guiding star,

 In times of peace, in times of war,

 Reminds us of the fight so pure,

 For justice, freedom, to endure.


Ashura’s Lament


On Ashura’s dawn, the sun did rise,

To witness heroes’ sacrifice,

 A day of sorrow, etched in time,

 In every heart, in every rhyme.


The sands of Karbala ran red,

With blood of martyrs, nobly shed,

Their cries for justice, freedom’s call,

Resounded through the hearts of all.


Imam Hussain, with valor bright,

Fought for truth, with all his might,

His family, companions brave,

Sought only righteousness to save.


O skies of Karbala, weep on,

 For heroes lost, for those now gone,

Yet in their death, a life they found,

 In every heartbeat, in every sound.


Their memory, a guiding flame,

Through ages past, it burns the same,

 In every tear, in every prayer,

Their spirit lives, forever there.


O Ashura, your tale of woe,

Reminds us all of what we owe,

To stand for justice, to defy,

The tyranny that darkens sky.


The Martyr’s Dream


Beneath the stars of Karbala,

Imam Hussain dreamt of afar,

 A land where justice reigned supreme,

Where truth and honor were the theme.


He saw his children playing free,

 In meadows green, by tranquil sea,

A world where peace was not a dream,

 But life’s own precious, flowing stream.


Yet waking, found the harshest land,

With sword and spear in every hand,

He knew his fate, he knew the end,

But would not let his spirit bend.


O Karbala, the ground so bare,

 Held the weight of dreams laid there,

In every drop of blood so pure,

The promise of a future sure.


Through martyrdom, his dream takes flight,

 In every soul, in every fight,

For justice, truth, and honor’s name,

In every heart, burns Hussain’s flame.




Dr NAILA HINA: Former Engineering University Instructor, an international award-winning author of 100+ multilingual books, a poet from Karachi, Pakistan. Best Writer of the Decade, editor, translator. Literary Colonel at Story Mirror. Recommended for Nobel Prize for Literature 2022.




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