Tuesday, October 1, 2024



A Ray Of Sunshine


A ray of sunshine sketched

Your figure on the wall!

A note I used your name

to make into a song.

Words can dry, with nothing to say

lost in my thoughts, on your chest I lay.

Your mind impenetrable,

Like a yellow forest,

and I am trapped

in fear, in torment!

0n your body I trace routes,

that could lead me to your soul

and my troubled mind console!




Insufferable the city seemed

shrouded in its gray beauty,

smog from the buses

and shouts from the marches.

A space closed off like a bubble

we are like animals in a jungle

bitter voices…empty promises…

a rampant rabble!

Then you like a tempest came

sweeping everything in your stride,

and the jungle became a meadow

the rabble a caress

the gray became a mirror

the city changed its dress

life its sail sets!


Love Effervescent


I hum a tune, that’s what I do!

Coarse words, I have erased

Words that had become blades.

The scars from my burning tears healed!

My bosom swelled with rupture…

You bestow on me the blossoms of your bliss!

The naked line of painful memories has been immortalized …

Now, life bears the hue of flames,

Passion carries the blaze of light…

My soul finally has a voice because your breath

exudes love effervescent!

Now the wind has carved your name on my chest…

Now time is set to everlasting Dawn…

Where together our gazes will roam!




RANIA ANGELAKOUDI was born in Kronaberg Sweden where she spends plenty of her time. She had the opportunity to meet people and places in her different trips exchanging ideas among other artists regarding life, man and Mother Nature she loves too much! Her studies in English Literature and language helped her to meet the international Poets in combination with the Greeks. Her thoughts have been influenced by them as a result she created her own poetical path. Being invited at the poetic festivals in Singapore, Tawian and Hayderabad in India from cultural authorities her poems taking part in international and national anthologies and competitions this offered her significant awards. Some of the most important are: Ιn2015 under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of culture based in Ankona. She was awarded in a special ceremony in Museo della citta and she is the unique Poetess in Greece who has received that honour. She has nominated as the ‘Icon for World Peace’ in November 2016 for the devotion of her penwork to peace. Later in January 2017 she was titled Peace Ambassador at large for Greek and Swedish Branches for World Institute for Peace global organization. She has contributed work to a number of national and international Collections and Anthologies. Via her writing path she was announced a member in honor from FIJET union of Journalists based in France. Her books can be found in the historical library Stadsbiblioteket in Stockholm and her poems have been translated into Italian, Swedish, Bosnian, Spanish, Turkish, Serbian, Arabic, English, Hindi of India and Slavic language.

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