Tuesday, October 1, 2024




When You Are Absent


You look for me there where I am not

I await your failure to come.

Only mountains never meet

They separate passes and gorges.


I am amazed with my heart

How does it not cease beating in solitude?

A flower blooms in the cold wind

The rainbow opens its door in the rain.


In the eclipse of the sun I search for light

And I do not know where I shall look off

You enter suddenly, and the grudges

Melt away like dew in May.






The tars weep

Bring me a glass

To gather these tears




Someone whispered:

“The bee died”

I ran but I never found its grave.




Old clock

The hands strive to eat each other

Time remains in the eyes of the blind.




Modern hairdresser’s shop

Old heads not far in the distance

Push each other in the line for wigs.




Split ripen pomegranates

In the traffic lights of the boughs

Cold rains melt away upon them.


The Wolf Who Wore A Bell


A fox in the forest: – What the hell!

You’re a wolf and you wear a bell?!


The wolf quickly howled a few words:

- Now I’m the one who leads the herds…




LUMO KOLLESHI: (Albania) He is Born in Mertinj, Permet in January 6, 1961, he has finished his post-university studies for Language & Literature in some villages in the northern Albania, Puke. After the graduation he has worked as a teacher of Literature and by the time being he is a teacher in the high school “Sami Frasheri Permet”. He is the president of the writers’ Association, branch of Permet as well member of the Poetic Galaxy “ATUNIS”. He is the director of the publishing house “Fjalët e Qiririt”. His poetries are published in several magazines like: “Zeri i Rinise”, “Zëri i Rinisë”, “Drita”, “Nëntori”, etc. He has published many volumes with poetries like: “Mars”, “The Owl confused”, “Return from the Dead”, “Pouring of Thunders”, Resignation of The Tiger”, “Perspiration of The Poet”. Soon will appear is novel: “Time without license plate”. On March 2007 appeared the Volume with Essays and comments “From one author to the other”, assisting the teachers and the students of the high schools. Parts from his creative work have been published in foreign languages like Italian and Greek. He has participated in the international competition on poetry held in the city of Motola, Italy and the competition on fable held in Athens Greece, where he has been honored with the third price for fable.


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