Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Autumn Touch


As autumn leaves flutter and fall,

They dance to a seasonal call.

With colors ablaze,

In crisp, golden haze,

They blanket the ground like a shawl.


The first moistened soil rain softly fell,

With a fresh, earthy scent to compel.

Puddles gleamed in the light,

Leaves glistened so bright,

Nature's way of casting a spell.


The autumn wind whistles so clear,

Rustling leaves as it sweeps near.

With a crisp, playful gust,

It stirs up the dust,

Bringing whispers of winter to hear.


October sky often gray,

Clouds gather and linger all day.

With a soft, muted light,

The world’s wrapped up tight,

In a calm, cozy, overcast way.

©Evita Constantinou


Moist Swirl


On the moistened soil of the first autumn rain,

paint the passage of the new day.

Set your whisper amidst the mysterious dance

of the wind and the sun-scorched leaves.

©Evita Constantinou


Wisdom Journey


Books, pens, minds collide,

Igniting sparks of insight,

Education's tide.


Lessons paint the way,

Minds expand with each new day,

Education's sway.


Learning's gentle arc,

Wisdom's journey ever bright,

Education's grace.


Books, minds intertwined,

Knowledge's endless horizon,

Education's light.

©Evita Constantinou




They called you peace ...

A seasoned acrobat in a global circus.

with a profession of high demand,

enduring all weather and escalating difficulty.

Sometimes unrewarded,

devoid of benefits for unhygienic and perilous work.

Performances and occasional overtime,

subject to the tastes of contentious spectators.

The audience avidly watches

each balancing act unfolds.

Rope is worn and pitiful,

gnawed by insatiable rats.

Feet in constant struggle,

battling thick interests.

Hands weighing wounds on one side,

feathers on the other.

The head doesn't lean left or right

but tirelessly gazes downward.

Hoping, wishing, praying

to overcome once again, victorious

without the bloodied heads of the innocent.

Unstable footsteps on a predetermined path.

Willing spirit, worn-out and aged body.

With every stumble,

cries out in fear to the half-interested crowd.

They called you, Peace...

Always present and paying the price.

Longed for in prayers, hymns,

and rhythmic folk chants.

Your absence, synonymous with war cries,

the smell of blood, and death.

They called you Peace...

In our today, identified

on the list of endangered values.

©Evita Constantinou




The depths of my thoughts are like a fiery tempest.

I rage, protest, and silently condemn...

My lungs grieve passively.

Resistance, sold off years ago,

consciences blindly bound.

Every woman of romantic riddle

bleeds mournfully for her severed femininity.

Her amputation, culturally correct,

a seal of purity of passions.

Expressionless, I let it stagger again and again

in the whirlpool of clumsy and immature steps.

Completely confined in a black, full-body misery,

she declares a constant submission to fear.

Freedom harmoniously fragmented into absolute,

horizontal, narrow lines.

Only the eyes conspire untamed.

The gaze, a living enchantress,

fishes for eternal bliss in time.

In the sacred sanctuary of her mind,

Patience, enthroned and crowned.

The measured time of rebirth remains unknown.

© Evita Konstantinou




EVITA CONSTANTINOU is a teacher hailing from Limassol, Cyprus. She has been involved in poetry and writing from a young age and has a particular love for the local Cypriot dialect. In 2021, she published her first poetry collection titled ‘Kite Ascension’, as well as a music album ‘Like a Kite’ featuring songs set to music from the collection. She also engages in lyric writing, having written 16 songs to date in collaboration with Greek and Cypriot composers. Evita actively participates in various social, charitable, and cultural activities throughout Cyprus. She is a registered member of the Cyprus Writers' Association (ELK), the Cyprus Association of Children's and Youth Books (CYBBI), the Limassol Literary Society – Vasilis Michaelides, where she serves on the Board as the Public Relations Secretary, the Association of Literature and Criticism (OLK), the Hellenic Cultural Association of Cypriots (EPOK), and the Association of Musical and Poetic Arts Mousagetes Apollon. Since 2021, she has been part of the writing team of Chronos Publications, with which she published her ecological fairy tale ‘I Am Not Trash’. Her two individual literary works have been approved by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus, included in school library materials, and participate in international literary exhibitions. She has received distinctions in literary competitions on a local, national, and international level. She participates in 15 collective literary publications.

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