Saturday, March 1, 2025



Paper Boat

Paper boat, paper boat

Carry me

To the other end

Of the sea

Ferry my dreams

Beyond the sky

Let my joy

Your rudder be


Storms imperil

Your little soul 

Let a Prayer 

Your refuge be.

The Drifting Wood 

I can share my thoughts 

Only with my pen

You ask too many questions. 

I, The ocean, wave, current

Allow not

The drifting wood to drown

Toss it up, then toss it down

Take it to the shore

And then, pull it in

I become the drifting wood 

The ocean, wave, current

Ocean, wave, current

Now the drifting wood ?

You ask too many questions 

I can share my thoughts 

Only with my pen.

Unseen Walls

I rip open my self


Unseen boundaries all around.

The spirit aspires

But visions constrain,

I think of paradise

See only

The earth around.

Hunger thinks of morsels. 

Thirst, of droplets,

Joy, just pleasures.

The sage who sat

Under the tree

Saw freedom. 

Freedom from self.

No tree awaits me.

Unseen walls constrain,

Grounding me to the ground.


NITA B GEORGE is a poet and a short story writer. She has three poetry Anthologies, a short story collection and her Memoir to her credit, all published by Writers Workshop, Kolkata. A college teacher by profession, she has 37 years of experience in teaching English at the Graduation level. She has mastered the art of contracting a thought to a minimum number of words with the result that her poems are short, terse and thought provoking. The poems submitted here are of this category. They have appeared in her anthologies. She makes excellent use of poetic techniques thereby giving meaning within meaning. Inspiration stems from everyday experience which makes the poems extremely readable and grounded.

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