Feeling the energy pushing up, rising
Change encircling, enfolding
Moving forward in a new orbit
A new chapter of things beginning
Embracing it lovingly, joyfully
Life’s looking up, looking brighter again
Like the sun emerging from grey clouds
Pushing the shadows further away
Exhilarated by the freedoms
Of starting afresh, anew.
My heart has withered
Feeling bare and bereft as the trees in winter
Cold and alone without you.
Empty Spaces
Another chair lays empty
Another space is bare
Another life has left this earth
leaving tears and despair
Another void with the heart
That time will never heal
Yet memories and love live on
Give substance to go on somehow
Always loved, cherished and remembered
Never forgotten to this day.
Feminine Manifestations
As a woman I have
Grown and transformed over time
Gone through many phases, cycles and changes
Fallen to many deep, dark lows
And risen to many a tremendous high
Stubbornness, toughness and perseverance
Has got me through some really dark times
I have embraced such tender moments
Been witness to numerous sights
Gained much insight and patience
Knowledge and strength
Experienced brilliant moments of clarity
And personal freedoms
I am proud of the woman I am becoming
And all the past versions before
I will continue to evolve and grow
This mission is personal now
I owe it to myself.
I Love You…
That moment of clarity
When you know what it all means
All those churning emotions
That are bursting at the seams
All the thoughts and the butterflies
That make you fit to burst
Have such a simple answer
That needs to voiced and versed
Those three little words
That carry so much weight
By two people in love
Destined by fate.
My Own Best Friend
I have comforted myself in darkness
Pick myself up when I'm feeling down
Been the counsellor to my inner turmoil
A shroud of love when there's no one else around
I have kept myself going on the darkest of days
When no hope or light has shone
Picked up those shattered pieces
When everything else has gone wrong
I am my own best friend.
DONNA MCCABE is an established poet from South Wales, UK, with over twenty years’ experience. Her work has gained her multiple accolades within her field of literature. From being published in journals, magazines and anthologies both nationally and internationally, she is also a respected admin on many social media pages as well as having her own Instagram page and poetry page.
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