The Smoke
Ambition and power
Have their own stories
Unlike the story of the
Unknown savage wind.
The smoke, invading the sky
Has wiped away the smile
From the innocent lives.
The sound of the laughter
Drags them to the burial ground
Where cries for a life is rampant.
Love is now a midday dream.
As the streets with the moon light
Steal the darkness of midnight.
Last letter
At times under a piculiar circumstance
One may hesitate to smile with a loved one
Might not opt to write the life a second
Or cry for consolations or compassion
When torture exceeds the limit of tolerance.
The words would be lost
In the mists of thoughts
Amidst the deserts of caravan nights.
And manipulate slowly the appearing dreams.
Thoughts scatter like pearls of
A broken string, difficult to collect because
They disappear in the bed of granules of sand.
Conscience forces
To forget the loved benevolences
That echoed once in grace
Yet not repeat now.
Voice gets choked as if lost for ever
As living is like running a race.
Tides In The Ocean
Is that a beginning is defined at fingertip?
And so is an end?
It confuses
What could be then
All that take birth and die in an interval?
We ride the waves of the ocean like life
And feel elevated at every rise
Get disheartened at a fall,
Although each new ride thrills and
Ensures repeating remembrances.
Each tide heads to a coast
Dashes the goal, crushed and vanished
It is its destiny.
Memories, unlikely burden the life- ocean,
with dimming of the Light.
Yet are fated to vanish
And we simply walk past the way
As the undiagnosed walkers
Awaiting the clouds of illusion to disappear
Streams of the mountains look
pristine and clear .
Minds are set to understand
The invaluable emptiness of this creation
Only when understood
An illuminated mind heads up
As a shark in the ocean.
RAJASHREE MOHAPATRA: Born in Odisha in India has received her master’s degree in ' History ‘ and 'Journalism and Mass Communication' from Utkal University, Odisha .She is a teacher by profession. Being a post graduate in ' Environmental Education and Industrial Waste Management ' from Sambalpur University Odisha, she has devoted herself as a Social Activist for the cause of social justice, Environmental issues and human rights in remote areas through Non-governmental organisations. Poetry, Painting and Journalism are her passions.
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