Love Accident
aswemoveda waywewereclose
as we get closer<----->a clift
we were a tale at one point between existence and nonexistence we bloomed so many thorns out of season
without a twilight we withered so many days at our heart in how many moments we consumed ourselves
not to say how many
we shot the sun in the womb of earth 2 total darkness was born
so much so
you cannot see your hand in front of your face time/less
pains we planted started bearing fruit a poison as you look at it
a poison as you dip into it
we used to be honey... we became poison hemlock we were fooled we kept being fooled we were burnt as the poison burnt ah beloved!
as pulling the trigger of our heart, it's demon who was charging love threw up death accidentally -
though we returned to life as you<-> me were saying us we died in love
we did not know, we could not... beloved we should have krown... love would kill accidentally.../
Sabiha*)* Küçüktüfekçi
English Translation By Mesut ŞENOL
A Sorry State Of Affairs
to which illegible book's well-off bookmark you used to be a mirror to yourself, şüküfe*
o thorn on the rose, in which way did you wither you held on to the thorny ropes decorated with the blue bead at gallows awaiting its executioner of vague questions
you were notated, and your tears coming out of distilled symphony of sorrow, sago
you got stretched and stressed between so much silence of lost whiny grievances you were nailed on the edges of tongue, o big one
o şükûfe, to which book's poor bookmark you used to be a mirror to yourself, a sala being recited for
a sorry state of affairs
where is your book şüküfe
Sabiha*)* Küçüktüfekçi
* şükûfe: a female name, an unopened flower-a bud, the name of a style based on flowers in decoration
English Translation By Mesut ŞENOL
∞ paradoks ∞
*Ekolüssü / Creative Literature*
He gazed enviously at the sky, tears flowed from his eyes.
"I am tired of crawling on the ground; I want to fly in the heaven," said the serpent.
"Please, my God, let this wish of mine come true."
He gazed enviously at the earth, tears flowed from his eyes.
"I am tired of soaring in the skies; I want to crawl on the ground," said the eagle.
"Please, my God, let this wish of mine come true."
He gazed enviously at the sky, tears flowed from his essence.
"I am tired of taking form on the earth; I want to be an angel in the heavens," said man.
"Please, my God, let this wish of mine come true."
He gazed enviously at the earth, light tears flowed from his essence.
"I am tired of being light in the heavens; I want to take form on the earth," said the angel.
"Please, my God, let this wish of mine come true."
He gazed enviously at the earth, tears of the sky flowed from his eyes.
"I am tired of being sky in the atmosphere; I want to be earth in the lithosphere," said the sky.
"Please, my God, let this wish of mine come true."
He gazed enviously at the sky, tears of the earth flowed from his eyes.
"I am tired of being earth in the lithosphere; I want to be sky in the atmosphere," said the earth.
"Please, my God, let this wish of mine come true."
And all their wishes came true at the same time.
*The Result?*
What do you think?
Sabiha*)* Küçüktüfekçi
English Translation By Fatih Üçgül
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