Saturday, March 1, 2025




He is, even though 

we missed each other 

on Golgotha under the cross.

He is, because He tinkers

with neurotransmitters

on the body-soul line.

He is, because I hear laughter,

when I fall dead,

thinking, how it is possible

a dead pupil can see.

He exists even if only

in a crippled mind.

He is, because when I fall

He wipes the mud from my face.

In itself: Beauty

Along the intricate paths of life

it blooms like catkins in spring

scented with starlight.

Where time freezes in silence,

it becomes a spark in the gaze,

the mystery of the candlesticks of the night.

It lies in unimportant things,

in the heart, in the soul, in words

in the sun's smile, in the rain's tears,

in the rustle of leaves and the quiet breeze.

Is an ocean of pure love,

that burns in the darkness

bringing hope for the dawn.

Called To Be A Woman 

She carries on her shoulders

the life she clung to,

his difficult love,

their unruly childhood,

house, reptile ritual.

Extinguishes the moon with silence,

hangs around the sun's neck.

When she leaves, it's never forever.

Always, she comes home.


KATARZYNA DOMINIK: Born in 1982. Historian, graduate of doctoral studies, publicist, writer, poet. Laureate of literary, poetic and photographic competitions. A propagator and an ambassador of the DKMS Base of Stem Cell Donors Poland as well as an animator of local culture and a promoter of regional tradition. An activist of the Association of former Bone Marrow Transplantation Patients in Katowice, the Foundation “Lokujmy w Dobro” (Let's invest in Good), the Association of Polish Authors O/Warszawa II (Warsaw) and the John Paul II Association of Polish Writers in Chicago, as well as a co-founder and a member of the Tilia Literary Association and a member of the "Rubikon" Literary Club. Publications in numerous poetry magazines. A historian by profession, but a writer by passion. An author of numerous scientific and historical publications and fifteen different author's poetry volumes.

Urodzona w 1982 roku. Historyk, absolwentka studiów doktoranckich, publicystka, pisarka, poetka. Laureatka konkursów literackich, poetyckich oraz fotograficznych. Propagatorka i ambasadorka DKMS Bazy Dawców Komórek Macierzystych Polska oraz  animatorka lokalnej kultury i krzewicielka regionalnej tradycji. Działaczka Stowarzyszenia Pacjentów Po Przeszczepie Szpiku Kostnego w Katowicach, Fundacji Lokujmy w Dobro, Stowarzyszenie Autorów Polskich O/Warszawa II oraz Zrzeszenia Literatów Polskich im. Jana Pawła II w Chicago, a także współzałożycielka i członkini Stowarzyszenia Literackiego Tilia, członkini Klubu Literackiego „Rubikon”. Publikacje w licznych czasopismach poetyckich. Z zawodu historyk, ale z zamiłowania pisarka. Autorka licznych publikacji naukowych i historycznych oraz 15 tomików autorskich.

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