The border separating man and city
thinks that the night is bewildered
of a pair of sharp scissors Where do the rails go away? how do the trains run through each other
silently? Why the cities that man goes
through at night resemble each other?
Night enters every heart
through the same door
Gece akrep gibi iniyor
İnsanı kentten ayıran sınır sanır gece şaşkın bir makas ağzı Nerede uzaklaşır raylar iki tren birbiri
içinden nasıl sessizce geçer? Gece geçilen kentler neden bu denli birbirine benzer? Gece her kalbe aynı kapıdan girer
Night splashed: sky cracked!
Mares of glass in the streets ...
Relaxed spring! civilization:
metal insect in the night’s bed. While reality dries on a balcony rope, we
think that gods and prohibitions are
ordinary No morning can save from the cliff where night throws the city
Göğün damarlarını gördüm
Çağladı gece:
gök yarıldı! Sokaklarda cam
kısraklar… Boşalmış zemberek! gecenin yatağında metal bir böcek:
medeniyet! Balkon ipinde kururken gerçek, olağan karşılanır tanrılar da yasaklar
da Gecenin kenti attığı yardan hiçbir sabah çıkaramaz
Wings of the night open
slowly: Covers with a silk veil the face
of sky, fervent mouths of insects Be patient,
in one night everything changes,
each grief turns into boredom;
Indeed in one night stops the vast pain
that melts the heart,
Love looks like night You can’t get it unless you run through; Every grief is understood every night loses
her novelty but night shows no mercy to man
Ağır ağır indiniz merdivenlerini gecenin
Ağır ağır açılır kanatları gecenin: ipek tül örter göğün yüzüne, ateşli ağzına böceklerin Sabret, değişir bir gecede, sıkıntıya dönüşür her acı; Bir gecede diner
elbet kalbi eriten hesapsız sancı, Geceye benzer aşk içinden geçmeden anlaşılmaz; Her acı anlaşılır her geceye alışılır da gece insana acımaz
Is night made of iron? can it melt
in the blaze of speech? Why can’t man
see the face of that pitch-dark even when it passes through fire? Isn’t he who tenderly separates shadow from night afraid of whom tests desire? Night, a bored net in which time is filling the past she has no answers for questions Everyone goes through the night yet with none remains the night…
Gecenin içinden geçip gittiniz
Gece demir mi, erir mi sözün alevinde? Niye bu zifir karanlık, ateşten geçse de yüzünü görmez insanlık? Gölgeyi geceden şefkatle ayıran, ürkmez mi
hiç arzuyu sınayandan? Gece, zamanın geçmişi doldurduğu delik file hiçbir soruya cevap taşımaz Herkes geceden geçer de gece kimseye kalmaz
HILAL KARAHAN: Turkish poet, writer, translator and medical
doctor. She was born in 1977, at Gaziantep, Turkey. She has graduated from
Kütahya Tavşanlı İstiklal
Elementary School in 1988, Balıkesir Sırrı Yırcalı Anatolian High School in
1995, Ankara Hacettepe University English Medical School in 2001 and Ankara Başkent University Medical School, Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency in
2006. Although she has been writing since elementary school, her professional
poems, stories, articles about poetry have been published since 2000. She was
one of the editors of ÇAMCAK Culture and Literature Magazine, published in
Ankara Hacettepe University Poem Club during 2000-2002, ETKEN Poem Magazine,
published in Alanya during 2003-2004 and MÜHÜR Poem and Literature Magazine in İstanbul during 2010-2013. Since 2017, she is a member of publishing
council of international bilingual poetry magazines of Absent, Rosetta Word
Literatura and Sahitya Anand. Since 2000, she has been writing in various
poetry-culture-literature magazines such as Destine Literature, Rosetta Word
Literatura, Absent, Galaktika Poetike Atunis, Litterature Online, Neuma,
Ramuri, Kafla, Chinese Language Monthly, Kwee, Kıyı, Kurşun Kalem, Patika, ÇağdaşTürk Dili,
HürriyetGösteri, YasakMeyve, Varlık, Cumhuriyet Book Supplement, Mühür, Mor
Taka, Eliz, Çinikitap, ÖzgürEdebiyat, KuşakEdebiyat, Papirus, Edebiyat Ortamı,
Ayraç, Üçnokta, Akköy, Akbük, Hâr, Ayna, Aşkın e-Hali, Kül, Kül-Öykü, Etken, ŞiirSaati, Dize, Le PoéteTravaille, Kum, Islık, Bahçe, Ücra, Heves, Mavi
Ada, Düşe-Yazma, Bilinçaltından Notlar Dergisi, Amanos,
Ihlamur, … etc. She has also joined to many collective books, poetry almanacs
and literature festivals. Her poems were translated into many languages. Her
books were published in foreign countries. She is recently intercontinental
director of World Festival of Poetry (WFP), general secretary of Writers
Capital Foundation (WCP), Turkey ambassador of World Institute of Peace (WIP)
and Turkish member of International Council for Diplomacy and Justice (ICDJ)
organizations. She organizes FeminIstanbul Woman Poetry Festival every year.
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