Tuesday, December 1, 2020





The Glow


Early morning, the freshness around.

The chirping of birds, the wondrous sound.

Gradually the sky getting lighted up.

A light drizzle has wetted the ground.


The parrots screeching, the crows cawing.

Nature waking up and its beauty showing.

The nightingale hiding in the trees.

I soaked in happiness, to the beauty of nature bowing.



The surroundings wake up silently and slow.

The king rises to steal the show.

Light, light and light all around

The beauty, the happiness and the sun’s glow.



The Other View


The same crane standing still for years.

The iron frame, tall and strong.

The yellow iron body zigzagging up to the sky.

Never paid attention to the inanimate structure.

It was there all though trying to touch the sky.

Vying in height with the electric pole beside it.

Many a poem have I written about the electric pole.

How beautifully it blends with the greenery as well as the clouds.

But the crane was there like an eye sore.

One day I sat on the other side of the balcony.

The iron frame came alive.

I saw bold letters stuck on one side.

I came to know the company which manufactured the crane.

The hideous frame mellowed down.

I found a character in it

Suddenly I saw the other view.



Evolving Heart


With age my heart is evolving.

As evolution involves elimination,

So is my heart ready to eliminate.

Distance out people who are cunning and shrewd.

Negative people who crib and brood.


Age has put a sieve in my heart.

Choosing people whom I feel happy with.

Being surrounded with positivity.

No more searching and searching for new friends.

Happy with a few dear to my heart has put the search to an end.


My heart never knew it could stay away from its dearest.

Every moment has gone in her upbringing.

Memories of her childhood and her growing up.

My only child for studies staying away from me.

My heart has accepted that too you see.


No more hazzles with family.

Accepting their differences in glee.

Reaching out to help them.

Smoothening out their different points of view.

With just being with them as me and you.




Dr. PARAMITA MUKHERJEE MULLICK has transformed to a poet for the sheer love of poetry from a Scientist and Educationist. She has published five books and two more are in the process. Her poems have been widely published in national and international journals. Some of her poems have been translated into 33 languages. She has been blessed with numerous awards. She is the Founder President of the Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library Mumbai Chapter.



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