Wednesday, February 1, 2023


 Maria Miraglia

Talking With Poet


February 2023


MARIA MIRAGLIA: When did you approach poetry?


GAURI DIXIT: I was always fond of reading. I would read everything that came my way, Marathi, English, fiction, nonfiction, novels, stories. Not much of poetry though. It was sometime in 2013, when I read poems pasted by a colleague in an internal forum. I then got interested in reading poetry and eventually writing. 


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Do you think of anyone to dedicate your words when writing?


GAURI DIXIT: I write about life and its ironies. At times I write about love and nature. All these poems are inspired by life experiences or observations of life. And they are not dedicated to / inspired by any one person .


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Air, water, earth and fire. What element would you like to be in poetic terms?


GAURI DIXIT: I would love to be fire, for fire keeps life going even if it burns. Fire is always true to to its nature, it does not take on any other colour like water and it is not invisible like air. Fire is passion.


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what kind?


GAURI DIXIT: When I listen to a song, I get immersed in its meaning, I connect with the words. That is why I only ever listen to instrumental music while writing or studying. Birdsongs also are an inspiration for writing.


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  What did you feel when you held your first book  in  the hands?


GAURI DIXIT: Pure joy and nothing but joy 🙂


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Where does poetry come from?


GAURI DIXIT: Poetry often comes from a dark place, a lonely corner, a dingy alley where the words are struggling to go out into light. At times even a sunny day could produce a poem or two. Memories are always favourite haunts of my poems and so are ironies of life.


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Is there a time of the day when you prefer writing?


GAURI DIXIT: Any time that I have space and time is a good time to write poetry. Very early when everyone else hasn’t woken up yet or very late when everyone has gone to sleep, those are the best times to write.


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Does writing come from the heart or from the mind?


GAURI DIXIT: I would say both. When I am trying out forms, it is always the mind / brain that understands the mechanics and chooses words very carefully and writes. And at rest of the times, it is always the  heart.


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  What do you think of poetry and poets on the web?


GAURI DIXIT: I would always be grateful that I found a group on the web called The Significant League founded by Dr Ampat Koshy that encourages and nurtures poets. This is where I learned to read and appreciate poetry, those is where I read some good poetry and wrote some too. Web at times becomes a distraction however, the focus gets shifted to people’s likes and comments, genuine feedback/ critique is neither given nor accepted. Like every other place web has its share of good and bad poets and poetry.


MARIA MIRAGLIA:  Who are your favourite contemporary poets and why?


GAURI DIXIT: I love the poetry by Margaret Atwood. I was deeply impacted by her long poem half hanged Mary. Margaret Atwood wrote this poem about her ancestor, Mary Webster. She was accused, and acquitted of witchcraft and was lynched. She survived the attack and thus earned her name, and her freedom. I love the poetry of Dr Ampat Koshy, unique, edgy and interesting. He is also a wonderful teacher and mentor to many. I love Dr Santosh Bakaya for her rich vocabulary and the varied subjects that she writes her poems about, Sunita Singh for her simple and powerful poems, Satbir Chadha for her calm voice, Feby Joseph for his fabulous poetry, I could go on and on and on….



GAURI DIXIT is a software professional from Pune writing in English and Marathi. Gauri’s poems have been featured in Haiku KATHA, Learning & Creativity, Glomag, Spillwords, Narrow Road etc. Her first collection 'In My Skin I Find Freedom' was published in 2018 for which she won Reuel International Prize - best upcoming poet.