Wednesday, February 1, 2023





I can be quiet with the alabaster syllables

I can rattle the silence

or adorn the lines of destiny

with bicolored storks


I love the endless column

its cedar scents

but the knife with which I sculpt the clouds

smells white as if cutting slices

from the snow of spotted horses


when will tiny gods

truly start to balance

upon the tragedy of being an angel

for a minute as long as an eel?


I retreat among waves

and scatter storms across the humble sea

where people hear no complaints

only the slow pedaling of lives





pot să tac cu silabele de alabastru

pot să zornăi liniștea

sau să împodobesc liniile destinului

cu berze bicolore


iubesc coloana infinitului aroma

ei de cedru

dar cuțitul cu care sculptez norii

miroase alb de parcă aș tăia felii

din zăpada cailor pagi


când vor începe cu adevărat

să se balanseze dumnezei minusculi

peste catastrofa de a fi înger

un minut lung cât un țipar?


mă retrag între valuri

și întind furtuni peste marea simplă

unde oamenii nu pot auzi proteste

doar vieți pedalând


Poem With Sea


the sea is spilling young fish onto the shore

your smile is hanging in the horizon like a hairpin

where are the ice banks the hordes of lovers

the seagulls on one leg

when the ship capsizes?


your hands are scattering salt

majestic time is flowing from the green eye of the sea

I am the sand dune

against whom the sea grows restless

star with a coral mane I am

ladder against the firmament of the sky nomadic green lizard



Poem cu Mare


marea revarsă pe ţărm peştii tineri

zâmbetul tău se agaţă ca o clamă de orizont

unde sunt banchizele coloniile de îndrăgostiţi

pescăruşii într-un picior

atunci când vaporul se îneacă?


mâinile tale risipesc sare

din ochiul verde al mării curge timpul regal

sunt duna de nisip

din care creşte agitaţia mării

stea cu coamă de aramă sunt

scară pe firmamentul cerului şopârlă verde călătoare



The Ruse Of The Night


tonight sparkling quinces are moaning on the windowsill

through the skin of each star I see perennial shadows

time to harvest the wine grapes

that terrible gift of drinking must from the palms of life

as if I were or were no longer a poet

in a world of pets and ambrosia

in the funicular of death


the evening bell grazes the cathedrals

unafraid of disturbing thistles

the city centre alight with love bears fruit in genuine


heavy buds burst under the feet of the living

chanting an ave maria with their secular body

in exaltation


the grapes of autumn burst against

the great chinese wall

surrounding the aura of the cantaloupe city

its millenary thirst for young poets

the old flagstones fronting deadened statues


death’s bacchic breath strikes the imaginary gates

of my body giving birth among the chestnuts

to hours of gentle words at solstice



Trucurile Nopţii


noaptea asta gem pe pervaz gutuile spumoase

prin carnaţia fiecarei stele zăresc umbrele perpetue

ora de cules viile

harul acela teribil de a bea must din palmele vieţii

ca şi cum ai fi sau nu ai mai fi poet

peste o lume de pet-uri şi de ambrozie

în funicularul morţii


clopotul înserării paşte printre catedrale şi

nu se sfieşte să răscolească ciulini

centrul luminat de dragoste rodeşte în pomi


mugurii plini pocnesc sub paşii celor vii

care rostesc cu trupul lor laic un ave maria

pe voci înalte


strugurii toamnelor plesnesc stropind

marele zid chinezesc

ce înconjoară aura oraşului-cantalup

setea lui milenară de tineri poeţi

vechile pavele din faţa statuilor amorţite


suflul bahic al morţii izbeşte porţile imaginare

ale trupului meu ce naşte printre castane

ore de alintat vorbele la solstiţiu




ANGI CRISTEA MELANIA Born in the city of Craiova, the poetess Angi Cristea Melania teaches Romanian language and literature at the "Marin Sorescu" School of Arts. She has published several volumes of poetry: (Diz) harmony, More / Less feelings, The stones of the sun. of Pokemon, 777 of appeals, Flori de iris / Giaggioli. He has obtained numerous awards both nationally and internationally. European Poetry Award stand obtained in 2017 at the "Europoezia" International Festival (Braila) "Alfredo Pirrole" Award awarded to Trriugio, Italy at the Trriugio International Festival (2018), received Grand Prix at the Corona Internazionale Award festival (2018). She has published in numerous prestigious literary magazines and is appreciated by writers and literary critics in Romania and Italy. He received a diploma from the Romanian Embassy in Milan for special cultural merits in promoting Romanian culture in Italy and Romanian culture in Romania

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