Sunday, September 1, 2024



Frothing Hyenas


Beware of the frothing hyenas.

The ones waiting in the weeds,

quiet, unsuspecting, and watching.


They are looking to scavenge

from the meat of the

temporarily weakened.


Those of us that are saddened

or having non-focused moments

are prime for the hiding animals.


We do not hear their sinister laughter

as they prepare to pounce.

Steal the will from you.


Even at our most frail

and our skin, soul is open,

keep what you can alert.

Beware of the frothing hyenas.

October 7, 2023

©Andrew Scott – Just a Maritime Boy 2023


The Hanging Ghost


You would never know it today

however, this dirt road of nothing

was a bustling, small town

over a short century ago.


This little, logging town

was full of families and work.

Now there is a ghostly shadow.


A shadow provided by a farm hand

who had enough after a day of scolding,

struck the lady of the house

with a blade to the throat,

taking her voice and life.


He was tried three times

until the system got it right.

Sentenced to the Hanging Tree.


To this day, there are many

in communities that surround here

that day the hanging man

was innocent all along.


The spirit of darkness

overcame this community

as people passed on or left

and the town became desolate.

Abandoned by ancestors.


The only one still here

on this overgrown, dirt road,

the tortured, hanging ghost.

June 27, 2023

©Andrew Scott – Just a Maritime Boy 2023


Crow Flies


The crow flies with quiet observation,

silently, taking in the land below,

watching over all with insight

knowing what everyone’s action

or reaction will be.


The crow adapts to their path

when nature’s winds

cause a change in direction

the wings are spread without fear


As the crow flies

the senses are heightened

to all their surroundings

keep their perspectives

and senses during flight


Silence is the crow

until a warning is needed

that you can feel, hear

when your protective crow

flies beside you

July 12, 2023

©Andrew Scott – Just a Maritime Boy 2023


Crash And Burn


I have been here before

accept this time, I have experience.

This means I know the conclusion

yet I am methodically

walking slowly to the inevitable crash and burn.


In the younger years

I would blame not knowing

the result while indulging

in the temptations I would not fight away.


The results were always instant.

The crash and burn feel

that was mixed in pity

with a dash of exhilaration.


Each time the mind and body

decided to throw caution into the wind

the awaking after would be

having to start over again.


At the age I am now

and the experience I have

you would think

I would avoid the pitfalls

as I see them coming.

however I am embracing them

to feel the indulging

of the chameleon like sensation.


Like to believe

the destination will change

though in time

I know I will land

in the crash and burn.

July 19, 2023

©Andrew Scott – Just a Maritime Boy 2023


Off Today


Unsure why but I feel a little off today

my balance for life seems mixed up

most days my zest for life

and discovering is full steam ahead

today, I barely want to see the outside.


Body and mind feel exhausted

feel a weighted blanket draped over me

too heavy to move aside

as I lay here in silence.


Even with my eyes open

the room seems dark

sun outside not showing through the windows.


Cannot pinpoint the issue

woke without the energy

that I usually have

thoughts are incredibly cluttered


Hope these feelings go away after sleep

and feel rejuvenated tomorrow

I do not like how this feels

being off today

July 20, 2023

©Andrew Scott – Just a Maritime Boy 2023




ANDREW SCOTT is a native of Fredericton, NB. During his time as an active poet, Andrew Scott has taken the time to speak in front of classrooms, judge poetry competitions, and have over 200 hundred writings published worldwide in such publications as The Art of Being Human, Battered Shadows and The Broken Ones. Andrew Scott has published multiple poetry books, Snake with A Flower, The Phoenix Has Risen, The Path, The Storm Is Coming, Whispers of the Calm, Searching and Letter To You, a novella, Redemption Avenue and a two books of photography, Through My Eyes and Walk Through Time. The Road Unknown is Andrew Scott’s newest collection of poetry and prose.


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