Sunday, September 1, 2024



Spring Rush


The flower in the pot,

The tree in the garden,

The vine on the wall,

They all need care.

They will Bloom for us.


That tree needs grafting,

This tree needs pruning,

That tree needs its top trimmed,

The branches of this one need pruning.

Seeds with violas,

Cuttings will meet the soil.


Now is the time for hoeing,

The soil will be cultivated,

Whatever will be planted for summer,

The places will be fertilized and prepared.


Grapevine, hazelnut,

Jasmine, wisteria,

They've started budding,

Oh no, the quince is blooming,

Summer is coming.


The world has warmed up,

The seasons have mixed.

There's a lot to be done,

Don't be lazy,

Quickly, faster,

So the gardens won't be mad at us...


Bahar Telaşı


Saksıdaki çiçek

Bahçedeki ağaç

Duvardaki sarmaşık

Hepsi bakım istiyor

Çiçek açacaklar

Bizim için


O ağaca göz aşısı

Bu ağaca kalem aşısı gerek

Şu ağaçta tepe alınacak

Bunun dalları budanacak

Mevsiminde tohumlar viyollerle

Çeliklerle fideler toprakla buluşacak


Toprak çapalanacak

Ne dikilecekse yaz için

Yerleri gübrelenip hazırlanacak


Asma fındık

Arap yasemini mor salkım



Eyvah, ayvada çiçek

Yaz gelecek

Isındı dünya

Karıştı mevsimler

Yapılacak çok iş var     


Çabuk, daha çabuk

Bahçeler küsmeden bize...


The Association For The Retired


My friend from the elementary school

A retiree from that institution

He said, come on

If you are available

I am going to the association

Let’s get there together


I am available

We went together

It’s a historical building

We toured the social facility

Looks perfect


Its library

Its coffeehouse

Its game Halls

Its garden


We visit the restaurant

In one section

The retired people are sitting

The Chef explains something



Appetizers, starters

hors d'oeuvres

Main dishes

Fruits and desserts

Alcoholic drinks included

Prices are affordable

Our kitchen is excellent


I said, Chef

There is a smell in the salon

The smell of food

Doesn’t it bother you?


In truth, he said

The ventilation is out of order

We could not have it repaired

They asked much Money for it


We open the windows in summers

It is not going to be problem

For one thing though, he said

It is not only the smell of the food

Most of our clients are retired

Very gassy bodies...


English Translation By Mesut ŞENOL


Emekliler derneği


İlkokuldan arkadaşım

O kurumun emeklisi

Hadi gel dedi


Ben derneğe gidiyorum

Gidelim beraber



Gittik beraber

Yer tarihi bir yapı

Gezdik sosyal tesisi

On numara mükemmel




Oyun salonları



Restoranı geziyoruz

Bir bölümünde

Oturuyor emekliler

Şef anlatıyor



Aperatifler mezeler

Ara sıcaklar

Ana yemekler

Meyve ve tatlılar

İçki dahil

Uygundur fiyatlar

Mutfağımız mükemmel


Şef dedim

Salonda bir koku var

Yemek kokusu

Rahatsız etmiyor mu sizi?


Valla dedi

Havalandırma arızalı


Çak para istediler


Yazın açıyoruz camları

Sorun olmuyor

Yalnız dedi koku

Sırf yemek kokusu değil


Müşterilerimizin çoğu emekli

Çok gazlı bünyeleri…


If It's Dark


We parted suddenly, my love

My mind is on you


Are you alone?

Are you unhappy?

Do you miss me?


What do you want from the world beyond?

Just whisper


If it's warm,

Wind, coolness, rain

If you're cold, the sun

If the nights are dark,

A bright moonlight


Whatever you want


From the other world

I can send it right away


English Translation By Huri ÖZDOĞAN




Ani ayrıldık sevdiğim

Aklım sende


Yalnız mısın?

Mutsuz musun?

Özlüyor musun?


Ne istersin benden



Rüzgar serinlik yağmur

Üşüyorsan güneş

Karanlıksa gecelerin

Aydınlık bir mehtap


Ne istersen

Fısılda yeter

Öte dünyadan

Hemen gönderebilirim sana…




Dr. Barbaros İrdelmen: Born in 1952, he has been living in Istanbul for 48 years, active in his profession. His selected poems have been translated into English, Greek and Spanish in national and international anthologies, poetry festivals and selection books. He is a member of the Poetry Columnist of the Literature Magazine, the Editorial Board of the Kirpi Literature and Think Journal, the Research and Publication Board of the Papirus Journal, and the Writers' Union of Turkey. Along with the author's seven published poetry books, sixteen e-Book Poetry books are available on Google books. 

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