Sunday, September 1, 2024



Teach Order With Each Other


The carriage

Of marriage

Has incidents

Of accidents.

It can derange you,

It can estrange you

And still arrange you.

It can break you,

It can ache you

And still make you.

I'm no President

Of this precedent

But I know, using each other

You could teach order.

Do tell me if you are at peace

With this piece.


Attire For Satire


To muddle

In a puddle,

To take pride

For a bride,

To make bribe

Your tribe,

To accept greed

As creed,

To steal the mandate

Of the rightful candidate,

To force a selection

Against an election,

To use judges

To breed grudges,

Turning deaf ear,

The masses cry not to hear,

Turning blind eye

And only seeing 'I',

To paint truth as false

And impose it with force,

To gild the outside

And rot in the inside

Is the best attire

For satire.


No Time To Waste


come let's savor the sweet taste of love

and prove to the world we're each other's glove.

let's utilize the abundance of youth

before nature reveals her unpleasant truth.

time is but a fleeting horse

that grinds everything on its course.

youth is but a morning flower

quick to reach its mourning hour.

youth sparkles with eternal elixir

very soon will come to expire.

let's love while we bubble with energy

before we fall to time and nature synergy.

let's love while we're strong and warm

before time and nature feed us to worm.

mortals are vegetable; quick to perish

only love preserves with everlasting relish.

if you agree with me now

a million years and more I'll keep this vow.

life's a gift too precious to waste

there's a lot to cover, let's run in haste.


Empty Grave


I hear the angelic choir singing

I hear the rattling gate of hell ringing

Death! Where is thy sting?

I see Him ascending on a glorious wing

I'm letting the whole world know, that your community

Offers eternal immunity


I hear hell's foundation vibrating

I see the host of angels gyrating

Death! Where is thy power?

Has Christ seized the hour?

The whole world should know, for being a witness

My life is full of sweetness


I feel the power flowing

I feel my strength growing

Death! Where is thy sting?

Is Christ truly the King?

Yes, He is God over heaven and earth

He is Lord over life and death.




FRANCIS OTOLE:  is a Nigerian born poet and academician. A member of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) and many other literary groups. He is an award-winning poet from the local and international scenes. Has been featured in magazines, journals and anthologies; locally and internationally. He is a graduate of the prestigious Benue State University and a student of life. His hobbies are reading and writing. He is married with two children.


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