Sunday, September 1, 2024




Drunk Ink


In his sleeping pen

noticed that his ink

changed color..

He had days of course

to treat her to ink

to move her to begin

to push and flow the lyrics

like a gurgling river...

Now ecstatic he sees

an ink to flirt with

white paper almost hedonistically…

The words he writes no longer obey him...

The rhyme itches like a maniacal killer

the body of the paper..

One is the explanation or the other

question mark drunk his ink

some dissenting verse escaped

out of his mind the step

Now unfortunately his poem will not be written

Now inspiration must beg no

fall victim again to an iambic or lyrical tragedy...meeting!


The Scarf


A farewell handkerchief

A handkerchief that

holds in her hands

the cloud of loneliness...

A handkerchief in the suit

prospective groom…

A white handkerchief that

in his hands it tightens

the dancer of. Boredom!


Sunny Feelings


An opening sun

with the key of hope

the doors of loneliness...

A poem that has a voice

and speaks of peace and humanity throughout the earth…

Emotions dressed in clothes of ...kindness!..




PETROS KYRIAKOU VELOUDAS was born in Agrinio, Etoloakarnania, in 1977. He studied at the Faculty of Humanities of the Open University of Patras, studying Greek culture. Today he works as a private employee. He is. member of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF GREEK LITERARY ARTISTS-DEEL, AMBASSADOR OF GREEK POETRY OF EQUALITY IN BANGLADESH. MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS WRITERS UNION, WORLD UNION OF POETS. He has received thirty international poetry awards from various countries. Most of his poems have been translated into many languages ​​(indicatively we mention TUNISIA, INDIA, SPAIN, ALBANIA, ROMANIA, PERU, COLOMBIA, AMERICA, CHINA, JAPAN. Finally, he has worked as a radio producer in local radio stations, his lyrics were set to music by Greek composers and are posted on youtube. His poems have been published in Agrinio newspapers (such a MACHITIS, ANAGELLIA, PALMOS) It is worth noting that his poetic work is included in the great encyclopedia of contemporary Greek writers by HARI PATSI.-


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