Sunday, September 1, 2024




Peace Is Needed!


Oh my friends in the world,

Give me your hand.

I am against knocking today

Give peace to my dear path.

We are united on the good path,

May peace be in our hearts,

This is our clear sky.

May peace shine forever,

We need love We need happiness

The only feeling of friendship for us.

Oh my friends from afar,

It is the dream of the universe to share goodness.

The anger of the earth will burst on the bad day,

The one who suffers, is swallowed by the earth.

If you love the earth, it will live.

If it gets angry, it will sleep in the dark.

We need peace, we need goodness.

Let us rest peacefully at night,

Poets of the world we meet today,

Let us sing a song of goodness.

We need peace

We need happiness!


Heart Flowers


  The more beautiful the world is,

  The heart will be so flowery.

  In the soil where the flowers grow,

  Love always expresses.


  Love is the decoration of the heart,

  Love is the decoration of the world,

  Nature takes away color,

  The flowers are beautiful from the light.


  When love disappears from the heart,

  It looks like a drought...

  Hearts without love are like

  To a world mired in poverty.


  Love makes flowers grow,

  Fill the heart with happiness,

  The smell of childhood remains,

  There will be rejuvenation in the world.




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