Sunday, September 1, 2024



Summer Days


Summer is here

Under blue skies

Mother nature blooms

Many months of

Enjoying the warmth of the

Radiant sunshine

Inky blue skies

Night air sweet with flowery scents

Mother nature in all her glory

Offering her bounty to us

Trees, flowers, birds and bees

Interacting together

Observing nature

Noticing the abundance all around.

Donna McCabe ©




September days

Evening haze

Preparing for winter

Transformations take place

Embracing nature

Marveling at her beauty

Bountiful harvests

Enjoying the suns last warming rays

Rejoicing and remembering

Donna McCabe ©


Moon Majesty


Once so close

Now drifting away

You orbit above us

In your own special way

As old as time

A majestic god

Ruling our seas

With an iron rod

Our constant companion

A protector, a shield

A giver of mother nature

Her bounty we yield

You have survived so much

In the vastness of space

And touched the heart

Of the human race.

Donna McCabe ©


Only You


Light of my life

I am sheltered

By your loving arms

Protected by your love

You crept under my skin

And in to my heart

As only you could

Thank you

For calling my heart home.

Donna McCabe ©




Tick tock

Tick tock

Yet another minute passes by

Sleep evades me once more

Tossing, turning

Wanting, yearning

To dream

Bleary eyed I see

That dawn is here.

Donna McCabe ©


I'm Not Sorry


I have no regrets

All that has happened

Has been for a reason

Triumphs and failures

Have been embraced

As new horizons lay ahead

I have progressed

I want to stand up

And take a bow


Not a care

I have a thousand thoughts

A million plans

I am moving on

To better things

One day they'll say

“The girl done good”.

Donna McCabe ©




DONNA MCCABE is an established poet from South Wales, UK, with over twenty years’ experience. Her work has gained her multiple accolades within her field of literature. From being published in journals, magazines and anthologies both nationally and internationally, she is also a respected admin on many social media pages as well as having her own Instagram page and poetry page.


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