Sunday, September 1, 2024



Flowers of Varieties


 Flowers in the earthly garden,

Green and many colours.

 Red and white in the essence.

 The grass is singing.

 The ground is joyful.

 Peace is invited.

 Intellectuality is invited.

 The green and different flowers are dancing.

 The wall has surrounded.

 The people are talking.

 Office is opening.

 People are busy enough.

 The life is really dancing to the nature.

 Flowers are blooming.


  Clouds and Sky


 The white clouds are heavy.

 Rain is stored.

 The fire is furnished.

 Lightening is firing.

 The shining sun is dancing.

 Hidden mystery of nature is shone.

 The white cloud makes joyful.

 Black cloud is higher to bring rain.

 The sky is hidden.

 Sea is balanced by cloud.

 The earth is fertilized.

 The cloud and sky are mingling.




 The natural weapon from nature

 The cloud and sun furnish it.

 The life is handled in the natural destination.

 The life is shining to be explained in nature.

 The shining stars are bow down to the natural thunderbolt.

 The cloud is its veil to cover the thunderbolt.

 The nature is strong enough.

 The weapon of nature is fire.

 Taking birth from sun and sea.

Thunderbolt is powerful entity.

 It is the natural conflict against the enemies' side.





Ms. TIL KUMARI SHARMA as Multi Award Winner in writing from international literary branch is from Bhorle- Hile, Paiyun 7, Parbat, Gandaki, West Nepal.  Her parents are Mr. Hari Prasad Basel / Bashyal Sharma (Mayor of Village Assembly) and Mrs. Lila Devi Bhusal/Bashyal. Til is known as Pushpa too as youngest daughter. She  has published many  thousands of poems, some essays, and stories and other  literary writings in  International  magazines, groups and anthologies from ( amazon)  Russia, America, England, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, Kosovo, Algeria, Korea,  Turkey, Sweden, Argentina, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Greece, Philippines, Hungary,  Brazil,  Chile,  Scotland, Indonesia, Egypt, Serbia, Tajikistan,  Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya,  Nigeria, North Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, Sweden, India, Nepal and many  other  countries. She is featured-poet and best-selling co-author too. She is world-renowned poet now. She has got gold, silver and excellent awards from different international groups of poetry.  She is poet of World Record Book named HYPERPOEM. She is an international peace ambassador of Bangladesh and ambassador of Moncheri Escapes of India too. Her World Personality is published in Multi art 8 & 12 magazine, and from Argentina and Mexico.


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