Sunday, September 1, 2024



I Am Your Flute


Hold me in your hands, my dear God

use my body and words

Hug me tight and rule my life

I am yours, I am your flute

I don't see my life any other way

than in your safe hands,

play so that by your sound I feel that I am alive.

Your turns of fingers and lips

make me lose my "taste" for this world of lies.

I'm yours, I'm your flute,

hold me and never let me go from your embrace.


Beyond The Mirror Of Imagination


In the mirror,

through your eyes,

you observe me

You call me

You hide

You love

You squint to forget

To make everything stop

The water in the mill doesn't stop

It turns,

Life flows like a river

I am constantly reborn

in your eyes

Beneath the eyelids

Love with which

you cover another love.

But forgetting happens

when the mirror breaks,

but our mirror is reborn

when you look at yourself

and see my eyes in your reflection.

That is us, connected by thoughts

Without encounters

Without touch

Without anything,

but everything in the fullness of feeling

through the connection of the soul.


Poets Power


In the realm of chaos, we seek peace,

Where poets' words make conflicts cease.

With ink as our sword and love as our guide,

We stand united, side by side.


Through verses woven with care and grace,

We paint a world where hatred has no place.

In the tapestry of dreams, we stitch our hopes,

Binding nations together with poetic ropes.


Let the rhythm of our lines echo loud,

As we sing of love beneath the shroud.

Brotherhood and sisterhood, hand in hand,

Together we'll build a peaceful land.


So let us raise our voices high,

And let our words touch the sky.

For in poetry's embrace, we find,

The power to heal humankind.


Divine love


Divine love, eternal and holy,

In the heart of man a flame shines,

It descends from Heaven, like a soft river,

And our soul is gently embraced by all.


She is the light that breaks the darkness,

In her is strength, every hope,

With her, the heart beats, it rests peacefully,

And the soul dances, free, easy.


In her lap, salvation lies,

Immortality offers, eternal joy,

Through suffering he leads,

and through hopelessness he gives strength,

In divine love, you find youth.


Oh divine love, eternal source,

With you, our life is bright and we are happy.




MAJA MILOJKOVIĆ was born in 1975 in Zaječar, Serbia. She lives and works in Denmark. Profession -Laboratory assistant, painter and reviewer.  An internationally recognized poet who advocates for peace in the world. As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her poems can be found on YouTube. Author of two books of poems: "Moon Circle", "Trees of Desire" She is a member of the International Society of Writers and Artists "Mountain Views" in Montenegro, she is also a member of the Poetry Club "Area Felix" in Serbia


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