Sunday, September 1, 2024





You sit on the chair and watch:

the sunset engulfs the city

and the people hungry for games and bread.

The women untied their hair.

The men held out their hands.

The children stuck out their tongues.

It is the people with a decisive and strong voice.

It roars from the womb like a voracious beast

its 'justice' and 'freedom' and order.

To get an answer, and not necessarily have questions.

To call things by their familiar names.

All else be rejected and cursed,

because the day is passing

and the sunset rushes like the last horse,

beats out the counted time relentlessly.

Tick tock tock tock...

The veil of sunset must be torn

and to pour out the heavens upon the ominous seed.

We need to wash our hands and silence the world.

A time should be set for speaking

or to remain silent forever.

The truth needs to be stamped.

You sit, Pilates, in your chair at the top.

You closed your eyes. You washed your hands. You broke the hermit's silence.

You said to the sunset: come! And it came.

But the people you did not silenced.




Forgive them, God!

They knew what they were doing.

And when they kneaded the bread

and they secretly put leaven in the dough,

and then they offered it for communion

as a sinless sacrifice for sins.

And when they loved their neighbor's wife,

only in thoughts only in thoughts

but in their minds they cast fishing nets

and they fished that body of fish,

in times of fasting and in times of famine.

They turned their eyes hungrily to the heights,

and without looking at the land they cast the first stone.

Forgive them, God!

Forgive them.

They knew what they were doing.

And when they despised the birthright.

And when they said No when they should have said Yes.

And when they declared a lie told a hundred times to be the truth.

And when they sealed them with a seal

the destinies of nations.

And now that they believe that

heaven and earth and everything under the heights

exists only for their glory.

They always, always know what they are doing.

But you forgive them, God! Forgive them!

Because they are just some kind of clay,

a vessel in the hands of heaven

who receives a soul

only because of your forgiveness!


A Half


Spring is shyly coming.

She peeks half-faced around the corner.

I see them in her reflection

the flowers in the garden

half dewy with salt.

They stand in that moment of hesitation

has the hour of twilight come

or the hour to flourish?

Spring is half peeping.

She wants to get into my cup

like half a teaspoon of sugar.

Half sweet, half bitter.

Like a half smile on my face.

Like half the sky trapped in the eye.

Like half a coin in a child's hand,

long dreamed of, long desired

halfway through desire and crust

bread for a snack.

Half day. Half night. Half moon.

Coffee without you is that half.

As a verse, that stand between the man and the poet.

It stands halfway between thought and soul.

Reaches up to touch the heavens,

and remains registered in the law of the land.




SILVANA DIMITRIEVSKA was born in 1981. in Skopje. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology 'Blaze Koneski' - Skopje at the Department of General and Comparative Literature in the Macedonian language, and later she also completed the One-Year School for Journalists at MIM (Macedonian Media Institute). She was the coordinator of the literary circle 'Mugri' and the editor of the poetry almanac of the same name. She is the organizer of several poetry readings and promotions. Silvana writes poetry, short prose, essays and haiku verses published in the first Macedonian haiku magazine Mravka. She is the author of the anthology Angels with five wings, published as part of Struga evenings of poetry. She appears as a reviewer of several collections of poetry by young, but also by already renowned authors. She is the winner of the second and third 'Blaze Koneski' prize for a scientific essay. For her first collection of poetry, “You, who came out of a song”, she won the prestigious national award 'Atso Karamanov'. For her short story 'Butterfly Skirt' she won the first prize at the national competition 'I tell a photo 2021'. She is the winner of the third prize at the international poetry festival 'Vigil of Kokinski Mugri 2022' and the second prize at the same poetry festival for 2023. In 2023, she won the second prize at the international poetry festival for children's poetry 'Stihuvalki'. In 2023, at the international poetry festival 'Literary Sparks 2023', she was also the winner of the second prize, and at the same poetry festival in 2024, she was again the winner of the second prize. In 2023, she was declared one of the laureates of the prestigious 'Naji Naaman' world prize for poetry and was awarded the title of honorary member of the Academy of Culture of the same name in Lebanon. In 2023, she won the third prize for poetry at the international poetry festival 'Tafil Kelmendi' in Kosovo. In 2024, she was also the winner of the third prize at the international poetry festival 'Antevo slovo'.

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