Sunday, September 1, 2024



I Am A Part Of Nature


How can I delay my desire to write

The words I arrange will be the flowers in the lives

Which used to be a fact in every step to start writing

In fact, it is not merely love to write

but also humanity

Man should have to be in the love

As long he communicates with the nature

He feels sure the nature is a part human life

Why not, water is important source

All the leaves of trees are needed

Meanwhile they are now living in the world

The poet should have to write

That everything deserved be in relation to nature

Which makes thousand starts smile

And the street lights are sparkling to gaze

Be sure to make exchange in the lives

To make the nature be in the happiness

As long as the breath will not go out from the body

That's the truth be found in the life, indeed

Keep the life be in harmony

When you are saying you are a part of the nature

At least you have to speak

You have to talk

But not to spoil

Since nature is a part of life

Nature is everything dealing with

No life without nature

We have to keep up nature in the lives

As long as we are on it


I Am In The Love Of Mankind


How can I delay my love

We are in the same roof

Be impossible to think over and over

We are the same creation


I am in the love of mankind

Since I was born

That is important in the lives

Instead of thinking others


This verse is not false

To narrate the truth

To love others is right to do

Since mankind are equal


How can I delay my love

While you are my neighbor

No killing with physical torturing

Keep this voice in heart


Let them be free as like others

Why do you spoil them?

The mosque is theirs

No for individual


Let them pray in the mosque as others

Despite of killing be in the love

The Palestinians are creatures

They whispered to nature

As creation of Lord, they believe as what they do


Whispering To Nature


A part of my body is in the nature

How can this be occurred

While we are in the same clay

It is impossible to be damaged


Keep the mind in the nature

While it does not get angry with others

Who knows its eyes will be in ours

That Palestinians are holy creatures


Their land is threatened

Let's keep the eyes for helping

Caused by the brutality of mankind

Give them a help

By giving smile is not sufficient


While we are in the same clay

Humanity is the key of all

How pity they are to get suffering from

Caused by the greedy of human being

Stop to kill them


Stop to push them out from their land

They are creatures as same as you are

Stop to destroy them

Stop everything with inhuman conduct

Otherwise, Lord would be feeling annoyed


Let them be free as the beginning

Give them a peace

To run the lives as what they like

They are mankind as like we are

Give freedom for humanity

Keep this verse in heart

To make this world be in peace




SIAMIR MARULAFAU: (Indonesia) He is a bilingual poet, writer and author who writes in English and Indonesian language. He has published 9 books. He is an active member of various poetry groups on Facebook and participates in many poetry contests. His writings are part of several national and international magazines, newspapers, journals and anthologies. He has won many awards for his poetry. Currently, he works as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Vocational, University of Sumatra Utara, Medan-Indonesia.



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