Sunday, September 1, 2024




Like A Spider's Web


A naive reality' blocks,

like a fragile spider's web,

perpetually my innermost thoughts.

It renders, in the name of its objectivity,

 like chimeras, my dreams and desires

 and even my innermost hopes.

It transforms this love of mine

into an evanescent substratum.

Thus, only in the irrational recesses

of my subjective idealism and imagination

I find my only refuge of salvation,

and I embrace you once again.

Concetta La Placa.@t.d.r.


I'm Coming, Love.


I'm coming out in the rain

to meet you, my love.

Around me,

there is a red of faint lights

and autumn colours.

And, as I walk

I listen to the pattering

of the rain, confused

with that of my heels

and with the accelerated beat

of my heart in love.

Wait for me, I have just left

behind me, our bench.

Soon I will come to you

And it will still be a night

of paradise of love.

(Concetta La Placa@t.d.r.)


The Last Smile


I know that when I am no longer beautiful,

when I am old and decrepit

and at the end of my life,

you, my love, will still love me

and only me.

And I know, too, that for you

I will not have been a fading star,                              

a last ray that dies in the setting sun,                          

the pale moon winking at dawn.              

Nor will I have been the last smile

that has faded from your lips, love.

But, for sure, I will be your most precious memory.

Concetta La Placa@all rights reserved.




CONCETTA LA PLACA: The author, Concetta la Placa, was born in Caltanissetta in Sicily on 07/30/1960 and lives in Rome. From an early age she has always shown that she has a creative nature. She holds a degree in administration and management of social policies. She loves literature and poetry in general. She is passionate about reading and creative writing. In December 2020 her first collection of poems was published, entitled "Cosmic Love and Emotions in the Wind". It is a collection of 55 poems, all linked by a single common thread: Cosmic Love, which is love for the little things that surround us in this immensity and love for simplicity, enriched only by pure emotions and true feelings. The author has published several poems in numerous national and international anthologies of various authors and various contests to which she has contributed with her participation. The list of publications would be a bit long and is therefore omitted.


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