Sunday, September 1, 2024



A Poet Never Dies


Breaking the shackles of time

Are the poets!


Like the hero of fables

Expressing his thoughts

So confidently

Focusing his mind

Through the lens of words

Keeping you alive through

Every page pigmented with

Squiggles of his ink!


He loves creating stories

Chasing silver moonbeams

Painting canvases so bright

Drenching you in

Fragrances so intoxicating

Taking you to the vistas unknown

For he is a logophile

Deep within his soul

You will find your place!


Intricately weaving tapestry of life

Through his quill so fine

Connecting souls from

Every diversity

Enriching every imagination

Uniting the world

With manifestations divine!


Magically weaving

A series of fictions and poetry

Within his embrace you will dwell

Swimming in the ocean

Of words

Finding the pearls so real

Fetching rewards

To his writings!


A reflex of great authors

writers and poets

Will never fade

Keeping you tall and strong

Through his lines entwined

Keeping you in bliss

Of his pages!


A poet never dies

In his writings shall EVER live

Breathing through his ink

Living in his verses forever!

Copyright: Parvinder Nagi


Bewitching Elegance


Ah! she wore peony in her silken hair

Gentle like the petals fresh

Bathed in the scents of fragrances

Nurtured in delicacies

To enliven her mind

Assorted with grace and love

Carrying magical secrets in her eyes


She walks in beauty through mystical silence

Unfurling secrets of her sparkling beauty

Bewitching elegance embracing the mystic night

The silvery moonbeams kissing her lips so passionately


She’s a timeless symphony

Like a dew drop of pearl on the petals so soft

A magical wand on the propeller of dreams

An epitome of grace like an old bottle of wine

Intoxicating my senses so divine

Her fragrance penetrates through the skin of my body

Luminescence testament of beauty she is!

Copyright: Parvinder Nagi


Poetry Of My Silence


I am found in the

fragrances of Peonies with quintessential aromas


I am found in the

Oceans deep

As a drop of shining pearl


I am found in the

Air so pure

 Stirring through the pines

across the mountains


I am found in the

Lingering odours

dabbing my warm breaths


I am found in the

ecstasies of every heart

dipped in love


I am found in the

Tranquil woods

in the serene quietness

of mind


I am found in

All the forms of love

for I delve deep in emotions


I am found in the

Poetry of my silence

Where peace dwells.

Copyright: Parvinder Nagi





PARVINDER NAGI: is born and brought up in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa. Having dedicated her career to shaping the minds of future generations as a principal from distinguished senior secondary schools in India. Parvinder is a national award winner from NCERT, New Delhi for making teaching and learning process easier through the classroom aids for both the teachers and pupils. Parvinder’s poetic journey begins with a great inspiration from her visit to the museum and Dove cottage a residence of vulnerable poet William Wordsworth in Grasmere, Lake District, UK. Her passion for poetry found recognition when she was bestowed with the prestigious accolades in a national poetry contest orchestrated among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across

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