Sunday, September 1, 2024



I Will Never Go Back


Why are you asking me where I am

And where could I be

I woke up at dawn

And I combed the sun's hair with my fingers.


And mixed colors with a sleepless night

The stars helped me, like sisters

I will not reach your dreams

You bit my heart.


What lies in my soul

I sowed the seeds on the paper

Dreams about you do not impress

Go, don't follow my lyre.


And why are you asking about me

What do you care where I am

Is my soul wounded

Or I died disappointed.


Somewhere, far away from you

I will seek my happiness

I decided to forget you

I will never come back to you.


Roots Of Goodness


Kindness is a quality that a person is born with.

That quality is given by God

The gift of God leads us into the light

Its value is greater than gold.


A good man gives from his heart

Not just with words, but by doing good deeds

A noble soul expects nothing in return

It is enough to see happiness in the eyes of friends.


Good people radiate nobility

They kindly reflect positive energy

Many people are glad to meet them

In the company of noble souls

They feel very nice.


Therefore, let us never turn away from goodness

Let's nurture that most valuable root in ourselves

Because all earthly beauties are gathered in it

So, let's focus on love and bring happiness into everyone's lives.


The Role Of A Friend


A true friend is a true treasure

Welcome guest to my little empire

It is a person who means well

He shares feelings with mutual respect.

His nobility never fades

He shares the good and the bad with me

In every situation he is with me

The opinion is authentic

and it's not fake.

It shines with warmth like a ray of the sun

It warms the heart with a breath of empathy.

He hugs you warmly with a gentle word

And when you feel like singing and when you feel like crying.

In a moment, it appears like a spark from a fairy tale

It is the faithful keeper of all my secrets

He is present to admonish my mistakes

And to advise me without harsh words.

A friend is a real angel

from the sky

It has a healthy effect on the soul, like medicine

He is the important link I need

Our friendship lasts forever.





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