Sunday, September 1, 2024



The Reflection Of The Sun's Beam


The glare from the sun's rays,

that peeks through the window,

melts the bitter bite in my throat,

from which breath I cannot take,

to recover from sadness and pain.


In silence, I am happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

gives me hope,

that that bitter morsel, I will swallow,

and sorrow and pain I defeat.


That glare from the sunbeam,

let him bring me back to life again.

That light is a boon to me


everything that I have tasted bitterly throughout my life

forget forever.


May that light,

from that glare that seeps through the transparency

my smile back,

through the path of life,

send forever.


Think Without Double


hard nights

Hard days of loneliness.

Thoughts without resolution,

chained in the soul with

pain hopeless,

Pain, poison what


turn on

It's burning.

Thoughts, without explanation.

chained in the heart

which bleeds

Bleeding from a wound



for love unsurpassed,

With thoughts without resolution

with loneliness I joined,

I fail to do them


a second chance to give them

to live again

to be sweet to love.

I cannot,

You were and remain

the only one

In thoughts without resolution




One small light

he crept through the darkness

it trembled in my hands

he got out of the painful thoughts


That small light

I was filled with hope

a happy tear

they merged from the eye.


Hope and faith were born again

to step forward

with them together 

everything will get through.


You can't run away from fate,

you stand between two shores

life and death

but until the judgment hour

live your life

what God has given you

is only yours.


You cannot share it with anyone

wherever you go

wherever you move

you lead the decisive moments with you.


But that light

he restored my hope

I caressed her gently

through life to send me




MILKA MINKOVA: Poet and writer for children and adults. For her work, she has received numerous domestic and foreign awards, including the Rabindranath Tagore Award three years in a row. She participates and is represented in numerous domestic and foreign anthologies.



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