Sunday, September 1, 2024



A Pendant In My Heart


I will see your face again

in another life,

until then my soul for you will strive.

I can't forget those eyes,

when I counted so many sleepless nights.

I wanted to see you in my dream,

walking together along the stream,

when we first met,

the day I will never forget.

You were a beam

in the cloudy day,

and I was rushing home,

I didn't want to stay,

but then our eyes met,

and I felt the sun set.

The stars in the sky appeared,

the cold inside my heart disappeared.

This was love at first sight,

my heart glowed brighter

than the full moon in the night.

I saw a new chance,

the beginning of a new romance.

But every romance has an end,

not all angels go where they are sent.

Sometimes they lose their way,

and they leave soon away.

But I will keep our love

as a pendant in my heart

until our love has a new start.

Maybe in other time, maybe in another universe

our souls will immerse. 


Angel In Disguise


I saw the evil in your eyes,

you were an angel in disguise.

I didn't see it from the start

you were playing

really good your part.

You reached your goal

and my heart you stole.

I thought everything was divine,

but then fear

walked down my spine.

I was living a fairytale,

but this love was stale.

When you reached your goal,

you broke my soul.

Like a lamb

I walked into your den,

I thought you are the man.

But then I saw a coward

who fears love,

you were the crow

and I was the dove.

I found the courage

to fly away

and in your den

forever you'll stay.

In The Rain


You left me in the rain,

And I can't stand the pain,

My love was in vain,

You left on my heart a stain.


I can't fight this alone,

My heart is not made of stone,

You hurt me to the bone,

Left me by my own.


You heart is so cold,

My tears I can't hold.

I thought your love was bold,

But it was very cheap sold.


You left me in the rain

My love was in vain...




MARIA GALABOVSKA is a Macedonian poetess and graphic designer. She was born in 1991 in Kočani. The love for writing appeared from an early age. She began to actively create and write in her twenties. She has written a large number of poems in Macedonian and English. In her poetry, she describes the feelings in a refined style that holds the reader's attention until the very end. She publishes her first collection of poems under the title "When love sets, pain rises" in August 2023. Her poems are divided into several anthologies in the country and abroad.  "As long as you create, you live" - is her motto.



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