Friday, May 1, 2020



Silence Ahead

when I fall in love
I write poetry
this book was written so
right on the heart
it is a brave mirror of love
I paid her love with poems
poet I was not when I wrote
but only when I loved

tăcere înainte
(in Romanian)

când mă îndrăgostesc
scriu poezii
cartea asta așa a fost scrisă
direct pe inimă
ea este o oglindă curajoasă a iubirii
am plătit dragostea ei cu poezii
poet nu am fost când am scris
ci doar când am iubit

In A Square Circle

I wake up scared at night
and hesitatingly open the fridge
to see if it is still alive.
It seems to me that it is getting colder,
that I am getting blind when you are turning off my light
I am saved only in the morning
when I am shaving
and I can see instead of my beard,
I grow grass.
Someone has been calling me insistently,
for a few days
to give me explanations,
to sell me shadows.
I go out in the street to look for That Someone
I can't find him
so I  am petrified between the statues of the cold traffic lights
that gossip in all colours.
I know that one day I will write you a poem
without any words
This news is shocking
That Someone is coming out of the TV
And eating my dinner.

într-un cerc pătrat 
 (in Romanian)

mă trezesc speriat noaptea
şi deschid pe pipăite frigiderul
să văd dacă mai trăieşte
mi se pare că e tot mai rece
că orbesc când îmi stingi lumina
sunt salvat abia dimineaţa
când mă bărbieresc
şi văd că în loc de barbă
îmi creşte iarbă
cineva mă sună de câteva zile insistent
ca să-mi dea explicaţii
să-mi vândă umbre
ies în stradă să-l caut
nu-l găsesc aşa că împietresc
între statuile semafoarelor reci
care chicotesc în toate culorile
ştiu că într-o zi o să-ţi scriu o poezie
fără cuvinte
ştirea asta e atât de şocantă
acel cineva iese din televizor
şi îmi mănâncă toată cina

Fabula Rasa

Today I decided to kill my TV
I picked up the remote
like a gun and I fired
I do not know what happens
from some time
news smell bad
it's like an aquarium of rotten words
it's got stripes
the vertical ones, hatching over my face
its screen shows only one image
scorched, mummified
from which shadows widen across the room
on the walls
that are taking over my place in the office
are sitting at the table in my place
are following me in the street
are walking with me to the market
I decided to bury my TV
to the common pit
where it was un-born

fabula rasa
(in Romanian)

azi am decis să-mi ucid televizorul
am ridicat telecomanda
ca pe o armă şi am tras
nu ştiu ce se întâmplă
de la o vreme miroase a ştire stricată
parcă-i un acvariu de cuvinte putrede
i-au apărut dungi verticale
ce mi se haşurează pe faţă
ecranul lui arată doar o singură imagine
scorojită mumificată
din care se lăţesc umbre în toată camera
pe toţi pereţii
îmi ocupă locul de la birou
se aşază în locul meu la masă
mă urmăreşte pe stradă
merge cu mine la piaţă
azi m-am hotărât
mă voi duce să-mi îngrop televizorul
la groapa comună
acolo unde s-a nenăscut
în direct


IONUŢ CALOTĂ: Born in Bucharest, Romania. Co-founder in 2014 of the Emergency Literary Cenacle from Bucharest, co-organizer of events like: THE NATIONAL POETRY CHAMPIONSHIP, THE GALA OF LOVE POETRY, THE BOOK FAIR – BOOK-TIK, THE NEW YEAR OF THE POETS, THE NATIONAL TOURNAMENT ``COLLECTION POEMS``, the campaign ``Adopt a book!``, poetry camps, literary contests, book launches and other literary-musical evenings. From 2019 he launches the literary magazine ``Poetry Monitor`` which he coordinates as a director. He published poems in his personal debut volume ``HOW TO SURVIVE IN LOVE``, Art Creativ Publishing House, 2017 (I edition), 2018 (second edition), (he obtained the DEBUT prize at the National Festival ``Virgil Carianopol``, the DEBUT prize at the National volume contest ``Poetry – Mirror of the soul``, the prize for the volume at the XXX-rd edition of the National Literature Contest ``Eminescu at Oravita`` and the DEBUT prize of the Art Creativ Publishing House), he published poems  in his volume `` Proclamation for the globalization of poetry, Eurostampa Publishing House, 2018 (unique book with translations in 14 languages), in the volume ``HOW I SAVED THE WORLD``, Sitech Publishing House, 2018 (it includes other literary genres), in the volume with two authors ``THE DAY WHEN I RESEMBLED WITH YOU``, Art Creativ Publishing House, 2014, together with the poet Daniela Toma (fourth place in the Bookaholic top) and he also published poems in the next collective volumes: Poemia, 2015, Preludes for butterflies, 2015, The time of precious stones, 2016, Besides the light, 2017, The diary of a wingsfield, 2017, The \state of human being – Substrates, 2018, Poems on a leaf, anthology of Japanese poetry, 2018, The most beautiful poems of love, 2018, Charme, selection of contemporary short prose, 2018; Carousel with young symphonies, 2018, Identities, anthology of Romanian aphorism, 2019, at Art Creativ Publishing House, also he published in the anniversary Anthology 5 years, of the Union of European Writers USE, 2017, ``The Autumn at Apollon``, Ro.cart Publishing House, 2017, ``Souls to the sun``, dedicated  to the Year Ovidiu, Art Book Publishing House, 2018, ``Poets in the arena``, Betta Publishing House, 2018, the Almanac ``Literary Syntax``, Eurostampa Publishing House, 2018, anniversary volume ``Oltart – the word that unites, Hoffman Publishing House, 2018, the international anthology ``Nature``, in English, Amadora Rui M.Publishing (Portugal), 2018 and in the Anthology Poetic Schenk Cenacle, Dionysos Publishing House (Germany), 2018.

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