Wednesday, July 1, 2020



I Swing On The Rope Of Faith ..

Life is a long tight rope
I swing in hope dawn to dusk
Against all odds I face
My hope never ceases
I cling on to the rope of hope
I swing sky high
and back with zest
My rope of hope
Is stronger now
I never let it leave me
And no one can
Snatch away my hope for sure
as my rope of faith
gets stronger day by day
when I see troubled times
staring at me with cruel eyes!
Sometimes my rope of faith
gets weaker
and I sit quietly on my windowsill
looking at the blue… blue sky
and here I draw hope again
from the blue sky and sparkling stars
which is God's beautiful creation!
My faith gets stronger n stronger
looking at the beauty of nature
and all His creations!
So why worry I ask myself
When the rope of faith
makes you stronger!

Tough Sail ..

We are all sailing in the same boat
Topsy turvy with tidal waves
hitting high and low
Any time our boat may sink
Oh! we can’t hold on to each other
Distance has to be kept for sure
Let our hearts be as close as we
can keep, which will save our lives
for sure!
It’s cold and windy in the boat
We are sneezing
Covering our face
But hearts open with love
Let the sail be safe and sure
To win our race together
In this pandemic fear!

Sarala Balachandran

Love Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic ..

Amidst the panic and chaos
of coronavirus all over the world
she stood looking at him
with heartful of love and care
But she has not met him
nor spoken to him!
Her heart is full of him
and his charisma
and his total faith on his creator
whom he always praises in his divine heart!
She holds on to this
unknown man with full of faith
She sits and sings holy hymns
looking into the vast blue sky
and moving clouds
playing with the lush green grass
and catching dragonflies and let them off!
She is sometimes childish and
sometimes a girl in love
Her imagination flies and flies
and she lands up in his cosy lap
looking into his caring eyes!
She smiles to herself
Yes, I know he loves me
But she has not met him
Nor talked to him
Her imagination
takes both of them
to the highest level of
divine love ever experienced
where they mingle in each other
A soul to soul love
A heart to heart feeling
till the end of their lives!
She smiles
She hums
Who is this person
I am in love with
But she knows he is
Somewhere far away
Writing love letters
to his love whom he is fond of
and she holds back her tears
in frustration!
Who is he
She doesn't know
She only knows
She loves him sincerely
and she sees him everywhere
and hears his voice
even while asleep
with no more corona fear
the spiritual romance
taking them to the highest level!


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