Saturday, May 1, 2021






My Muse ..


Your soft and charismatic look

Your loving ways

Sweapt me off my feet

Long ago

Tossing n turning

Without a wink

Weary and tired are my eyes

The very thought of you alone

Inspire me to sing n dance

You are my muse, my love

You move here n there

And nowhere to be seen

Like krishna

You play hide n seek

Frustrating my life

Never letting me

Think or write

Or memorise a thing

You come into my dreams

Disturbing my sleep

Tickling my toes like a child

Pampering my hair

Soft and white

Smelling of jasmine and lavender

You leave me awake

Throughout night

And me wondering

Who you are

A person unknown in life !

My muse you are

Keeping me awake till midnight past

Still thinking of you

An unknown figure

Charismatic and noble !

Oh ! It's dawn

The sunlight falling

On me through the

Cracked door

I get up

Sit on the windowsill

Still you in my mind

My muse

A noble soul !

My muse !


Sarala Balachandran




L O V E ......


Love bears all

Love cares for all

Love has no bar

Love has no limitation

Love has no colour

Love never hurts

Love is never having to say sorry

Love is a magical cure

for all ailments

Love is everywhere

but we don't bother to

look for it in the right place

Love speaks no evil

Love is a mirror

In which you see your

smiling face

and sees the world smiling

Love is an art

an art of loving every living cell !

Love is being in love with

The mother nature

and preserving her beauty

by not felling the trees

and planting more and more saplings

Love is a blissful feeling !

Love is a red rose

Spreading fragrance everywhere

When the earth is burning

with hatred and ego !

Love alone can make this earth

Peaceful and harmonious

making a paradise right here, on earth !


Sarala Balachandran



Oh I Forgot

What I Came To The Kitchen For


Those were the days when music played slow and soft entering into your innermost heart

I can remember each word of the song played then

Which I treasure close to my heart with all emotions

Sometimes making me cry and sometimes a faint smile

Those were the days I enjoyed most dancing under the moonlit night and twilight glow

Those memories are still fresh in my mind

I sing and dance as I walk to my kitchen and alas !

I forgot what I came looking for !

I sit and think and think

All my energy lost

I go back to my bed and think a while and I remembered why I came to the kitchen

It was just to make a cup of coffee !

The old music takes the first place in my heart as

Those songs were precious to myself when she walked with me holding hands !

How can I forget those songs of emotions and her sweet kisses on my forehead leaving a mark of her cherry wine lipstick which I still savour!


Sarala Balachandran



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