Saturday, January 1, 2022








Mantled with understatements,


after the years we see that



- not everything is as


we thought.


When we were needed


- they were with us.





they don’t waste time


- they leave.



Apparent, loyal friends


have their own plans.







Otuleni w niedopowiedzenia,


po latach dostrzegamy



- nie wszystko jest takie,


jak myśleliśmy.


Kiedy byliśmy potrzebni


- byli z nami.



Teraz już


nie marnują czasu


- odchodzą.



Pozorni, wierni przyjaciele


mają swoje plany.







Is there any sense?


Maybe just for a try?



Resurrecting friendship


is like


filling a blown egg.


There will always be


a gap, void,




will not allow you to return


to the state it was before.



An attempt


may seemingly succeed,




the painful crease inside


will someday resurrect.






Czy jest sens?


Może tylko na próbę?



Wskrzeszanie przyjaźni


jest jak


wypełnianie wydmuszki.


Zawsze pozostanie jakaś


wyrwa, pustka,




nie pozwoli na powrót


do stanu sprzed.





pozornie może się udać,




bolesna zmarszczka wewnątrz


kiedyś zmartwychwstanie.









they don’t need anything from her,


they have no reason to call


after all


she could always manage,


and they


- are fine without her.



Once again, she understood


that friendship


was an illusion.



After the years, she remembers


only the contours


of hands outstretched in need.





the sound of the phone


cut through her silence,




- only she remains.







Teraz już


nic od niej nie potrzebują,


nie mają po co dzwonić




zawsze sobie radziła,


a im


- dobrze bez niej.



Kolejny raz zrozumiała,


że przyjaźń


była iluzją.



Po latach pamięta


już tylko kontury


rąk wyciąganych w potrzebie.





dźwięk telefonu


przecinał jej ciszę,




- została tylko ona.




ELIZA SEGIET graduated with a Master's Degree in Philosophy, completed postgraduate studies in Cultural Knowledge, Philosophy, Arts and Literature at Jagiellonian University. Author’s poems Questions and Sea of Mists won the title of the International Publication of the Year 2017 and 2018 in Spillwords Press. Received Global Literature Guardian Award – award from Motivational Strips, World. Nations Writers Union and Union Hispanomundial De Escritores (UHE) (December 2018). In Poet's Yearbook, as the author of Sea of Mists, she was awarded with the prestigious Elite Writer’s Status Award as one of the best poets of 2019 (July 2019). She was awarded World Poetic Star Award by World Nations Writers Union – the world’s largest Writers’ Union from Kazakhstan (August 2019). Her poem Order from volume Unpaired was selected as one of the 100 best poems of 2019 in International Poetry Press Publications (Canada). Nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2019. Nominated for the iWoman Global Awards (2019). Laureate Naji Naaman Literary Prize 2020. Laureate International Award Paragon of Hope (2020). Laureate “The Most Outstanding Of 2020” in Central America. Obtained certificate of appreciation from Gujarat Sahitya Academy and Motivational Strips for literary excellence par with global standards (2020). Winner of Special Jury recolonization Award Sahitto International Award for Literature 2021. Laureate Premiul Fănuș Neagu -  2021. Finalist "Golden Aster Book" World Literary Prize 2020 (2021) (Italy). Finalist of the  „Festival „Europen Poetry  ChampionshiIp 2021". Finalist Mili Dueli 2021 Poetry Contest. Author's works can be found in anthologies, separate books and literary magazines worldwide.

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