Wednesday, January 1, 2025



The Value Of Volunteering

Strength to improve the quality of life

prevent human suffering and give proper dignity

to change the future association of united people

safe aid for every type of vulnerability.

Concrete solutions and infinite effective availability

to respond to the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality

hoping for brotherhood among peoples always blooming

garden of independence, unity and universality.

Three emblems symbolize help, protection and respect

always at the base of all its actions in the world

that animates it with the cry of the motto: “Tutti Fratelli”.

International Red Cross what it does is with great affection

is given with a sincere heart and from the depths.

Symbols of protection crescent moon and red crystal true jewels.

The Strong Woman

I had known you in the fullness of your energy

severe with a kind heart but without giving me friendship.

You the mother and I the daughter each in her role,

freedom and respect, from the nest you taught to take flight

to know how to get by on my own and be independent

and be aware of your discreet presence.

As the years passed, pain and difficulty

have brought you closure and denied openness to happiness.

Then your life changed, I the mother and you the daughter,

from your green eyes the shine shone despite everything

that disease that in one day made you arrive everywhere

retracing the past living only for today

now you seek help and company you who gave support

to me and the other children without ever saying you were tired

I understood what it means to no longer have a mother who stands by.

It Is An Immense Joy

The poet who writes his emotions

inside himself already wants to share them

effective means the radio broadcasts

recited word helps to live better

gives the right rhythm of images and actions

becoming real scenes to see

accompanied by melodic sounds

that the voice can make real.

Remarkable pleasure to immerse oneself in the waves

of the radio as of the immense ocean

nourished by words that warm the heart

they pass through deep cosmic souls

then the most sensitive ones take by the hand

embrace each one with sincere love.


ELISA MASCIA: Born in Santa Croce di Magliano (Cb), on 13/04/1956, she lives and works in San Giuliano di Puglia (Cb).  She is a retired teacher.  She is a writer, poet, declaimer, radio host, reviewer, sworn in poetry competitions, cultural promoter. Writing is a real need in life and is inspired by whatever or event surrounds it. She has participated in many national and international poetry competitions, obtaining prizes, certificates of participation, merits and honorable mentions.  You receive invitations to participate in multiple international and world events, commemorative and thematic events.- In July 2019 the first collection of poems was published in the Silloge entitled "La Grattugia della Luna" with "L’ inedito Letterario ".- She participated in 10 editions of the Histonium Prize and in 2019 with the Silloge of 10 unpublished poems inspired by 10 paintings by the great artist and poet Erminio Girardo who held the role of teacher for her, marking a decisive turning point in the activity of poetess-writer .- You have translated some poems by the poet NilavroNill Shoovro and included in the annual anthologies and monthly archive of world poets edited by the same poet-publisher.  The book of poems "Savage Wind" published by "L’Inedito" by poet Asoke Kumar Mitra was translated and edited in September 2019.- Since February 2020 she is a collaborator in Radio Krysol Internazionale directed by Manuel Antonio Rodriguez Retamal in the program Maktub Azur palabras de amor y vida and co-host with Mariela Porras Santana in the program En Alas del Fénix.  Present on the channel with video declamation of your own poems and of other authors in Italian and Spanish languages. - Since February 2021 she has been the creator, organizer and presenter of the Sentieri di vita program broadcast on Radio Krysol Internazionale. - She donor of voice within the projects: A voice of the dark-Theater in the dark-by Pietro La Barbera. - Since February 2020 she is a member and founder of WikiPoesia.- She is Academic, Coordinator and Administrator of Italy in the Luso-Brasileiro Albap Academy.- She is a member of the Poetas del mundo Movement.- She is the editor of a web page, dedicated to the dissemination of culture, from the editorial staff of Alessandria today, an online newspaper, directed by dr.  Pier Carlo Lava. She is Grihaswamini's ambassador in Italy. - She is a member and participant in the prestigious Golden Family of the Munir Mezyed Foundation for Art and Culture-Romania. - Collaboration with the Nicaraguan periodist Carlos Javier Jarquin. Enrolled in Writers Capital Foundation - Member of the European Executive Council of RENAISSANCE MILLENNIUM III of George Onsy.- Member of the Thrinakìa Prize Jury, President Orazio Maria Valastro - He started drawing and painting for this  is enrolled in El Umbral de las Artes and Nueva Era Cultural for the exhibition of art in the virtual gallery. - From September 2021 collaboration with Ecopoeticos Radio. Poetry Recitation Program

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