Thursday, December 1, 2022



A Song Of Life


I would like my words to fly,

to be full of flowers, to smell wonderful.

Let them have their beginning

and end in at least one day.

May they have the gift of heavenly life,

the gift of love and death.

I would like my words to fly,

high to the sky,

to become tender to infinity,

to vibrate with feelings.

Ringing to roll in the vacuum of the century.

To sing the song of the birth of the world,

the song of warmth, the mothers of the earth

to become fireworks.

Rainbow colors to color the sky.

I would like time to stop,

just more bells to be heard.

May the hearts of all people experience

the blessing in the ecstasy of the word buds.

Let it awake good in people

in the unusual silence of words and bells.

Echoes planet of silence and gaze.

Let them cut the sky.

Let the stars be seen during the day.

Let people promise themselves

that they wish the Sun well.


A River


You who live near the river

You believe in images of little gods of love

in ancient Roman art

and Renaissance as well as a new era.

In a lovely little winged child entertained with

various jobs

you see them and speak like Socrates:

“I know I do not know anything!”

You say that the world is a property without a master

and that it is not known who its creator is?

You as a free thinker, neither good nor bad,

indifferent, but not powerless.

You see those beautiful children in the glare of the river

which flows for you into infinity and you enjoy.

You have a safe haven and enough air

to survive everything

in the air that can cause it

chemical changes and you can calculate them

only if you want.

You live in your own reflection of an image

and I believe you

that the world can be a nice place

if we look at ourselves.

Then everything is clear.


Be yourself


Be yourself!

That change in the main movement,

like the path of some celestial body,

deviation from a plan, blueprint.

Separation of one plant or animal individual from a species

to which it belongs, with one or more characteristics

where they are developed differently

than in other individuals of the same species.

Change pleases!

As in a theater that nurtures light music,

song, dance and juggling skills,

difference, diversity and different thinking make the world go!

Develop the aria without changing the basic motif,

be persistent, look for yourself and not be a wasteland.

To balance like in a submarine, balance and not drown.

Measure with a device for measuring the effect

of electric current of thought,

hugging cotton stuffed teddy bear, playing at everything,

gambling and putting everything on the line and taking risk.

I move "wacheto" musically at a moderate speed

and I blink, rocking unsteadily.

I share the psychic excitement of the will

that has not yet turned into action.

I am driven by a desire that I am working to achieve,

not a weak and vague aspiration, a desire.

Be yourself as you wish!


The Dream


Between your smile and the dreamy look

and between the tender kisses my life

constantly begins because you revive it with

your being passionately.

I just think it’s a constantly new beginning

and I don’t want to wake up from a dream.




Who am I?

What am I?

A distorted reflection of a character in a mirror,

one grain of sand in the ocean,

one star by which

I got the name.

Just a sigh.

Who am I?

What am I?

A thin vein in the root of a

hundred-year-old oak,

one drop of rain that

disperses and disappears,

one nothing in all

what is

in everything that exists

and I'm not there.

As I breathe…

While everything is important to


Where am I for You?



TANJA AJTIC was born in Belgrade, Serbia. She lived and studied in Serbia at the Faculty of Philology-Department of Serbian Language and Literature.  She and her family continued to live in Canada, Vancouver starting 2002. She is a member of many groups and associations. Her poems and stories have been published two hundred collections (books), anthologies, electronic books and magazines. Her poems have been published in English, Serbian, Chinese, Croatian, Iraqi, Bengali, Indian, Bulgarian, Tunisian, Arabic. In the spring of 2018, at the "Pegasus" competition of the Literary Youth of Serbia, Belgrade, she won the award for printing the first book of poetry "Outlines of Love". Her book was exhibited at the Book Fair in 2018 in Belgrade, as well as at the Book Salon in Toronto in 2019. She is represented in the Anthology among the 30 best writers for 2020 by the Association of Writers of Australia. She won first place, the award of authors from abroad in the Federation of BiH (2020) and the second prize in Great Britain from the Serbian Library in London. Participated in book fairs with collections and anthologies with other authors. Won III World Prize for Excellence "Cesar Vallejo" 2021 in the category of artistic excellence, Peru, by the World Spanish Union of Writers and International Award of Excellence "Cita Del Galateo" Antonio De Ferrariis, IX edition 2022 – Rome, prestigious reward: Praise of Honor for a group of poets in the English language. She is the winner of many awards, diplomas and certificate. She is currently writing poetry, short stories, haiku, gogyoshi poetry as well as graphics artist as a freelance artist. Her’s art graphic was published in books and magazines.

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