Saturday, June 1, 2024




Ten Supplications Of A Sinner


               God respects the freedom of will

                                                  of human beings to the sin’s limits.

                                                                              Stefan Wyszyński


My Lord

light the lamps

in the travel corridor

of events

Pour bile out

beyond the frames

of my being

from the decayed dream


Lead out of

the lunacy

of unripe sunflowers

Burn weeds

in the thicket of paths

of temporal existence


Among the winds

caressing fields of grains

take me

like a crumb

Atomize into thousands of particles

on Your Homeland’s

heavenly planes



Awake me

my Lord


my Lord


Let me take away

sin slowly

like Your Lamb



God is closer to us than we to ourselves.

                     St. Augustine


Though Invisible

and Not Present


He leads me

by the hand


I only want

a small percentage


Of shares

in His Passion


Angel Of Mine


We recognize an angel when he has passed by us.

                                                              Martin Buber


Angel of mine


don’t go away

too far afield


I want to have


under Your Wing


into It




ANNA CZACHOROWSKA was born in Warsaw. She graduated from the Warsaw University. She is a member of Polish Writers’ Union, a member of the Board of Association for the Promotion of Polish Creative Output, a member of Polish Authors’ Association, a member of Movimiento Poetas del Mundo, and also a member of Slavic Academy of Literature and Arts in Bulgaria. She publishes eight books of poetry: I Was the Rose of Your Winter, Touching Happiness, Love Knockedat the Door, Before the Sun Descends the Slope,17 Ljóð, In the Anteroom of Dreams, In the Anteroom of Dreams– Polish-English edition, With an Outstretched Wing– Polish-English-Spanish. They were published in numerous Polish poetry anthologies and included in the Anthologies of Polish Authors’ Association. Her poems also appeared in international literary magazines, e.g. in AZAHAR literary magazine in Spain. Her works were translated in to Russian, English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Belorussian, Slovak, Serbian, Italian, Greek, Telugu and in to Icelandic (a whole book: 17 Ljóð). In 2016 and 2017, Anna Czachorowska’s poems with Her biographical note were published in the Anthology of World Poets (Una Antologia Anual de Poetas del Mundo). In the years 2018-2021 her poems appeared in Anthologies which were the outcome of Poetry Festivals in Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and India. In May 2011, she was awarded the Honorary Decoration for Merit to Polish Culture by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In May 2017, she received Gloria Artis Bronze Medal from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In October 2022, Anna Czachorowska received the Honorary Decoration of PolishWriters’ Union for distinguished service to this organization.


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