Saturday, June 1, 2024







seeing the same faces

popup daily on every channel

   plastic smiles

   eyebrows tweezed

front face

side profiles

hooked noses

   doffing hats


   fit for every occasion

   caricatures on stage

   full of rhetoric

   waving hands

fingers accusingly pointing

promising to the gullible




capped with caramelised

topping of burnt sienna

just like the top

of creme Bulle


holding breath

for the applause

as though that alone

is validation

of winning



there comes a time

fatigue sets in

playing to the galleries


   start dwindling

   starts thinning like diluted milk

Does bombardment cease?

no way

an image


cosmetically changed

power…disease of impotent

© Snigdha Agrawal


Then There Was Dust


how could she fit

into such a small space?

a whole reduced to fine dust

as she emptied the urn

into the river Ganges

her gateway to heaven


little at a time

clasped in her fist tight

reluctant to open

wind could be cruel

denying her passage

she couldn't let go

of her last remains

lingering on some stolen

‘Touch moments’


running out of time

ghats*on the bank

wears a necklace of lights

hers fused

once Ma left her hands

Her whole reduced to ashes


*ghats (set of stairs leading to the river)

© Snigdha Agrawal


Let Us Be


The old cabin still

stands at the edge

of the forest

tattered curtains

made out of grandma's

unused aprons

hanging from windows

minus glass panes

Overgrown grass covers

the rusted lawnmower

looking like an ancient

upturned turtle


unmended fences

like broken stained teeth

appears in the distance

as if mocking inmates

The car sits on its belly

weeds growing, like hair

from the ears of the

old colonel

Spirits of the dead

whisper "This isn’t a home


Go. Please leave us

with our memories"

©Snigdha Agrawal




SNIGDHA AGRAWAL (nee Banerjee) is Bengali born, raised, and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to the Eastern and Western cultures, imbibing the best of both worlds.  With more than two decades of experience working in the corporate sector, her outlook on life is balanced, which is reflected in her writings. A versatile writer, she writes all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues, and hotel/restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor, under the pen name ‘puchka’.  A published author of four books, the latest titled TRAIL MIX, is a book of short stories for all mindsets. The book is available on Amazon. An intrepid traveller, her travel diaries can be accessed in her blog: randomramblings52.  She lives in Bangalore (Karnataka), India.



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