Saturday, June 1, 2024




Songs of the Soul


The enchantment

and beauty

in the silence of nature

they echo

within time

where every breath

it is a Divine mystery.

The song of Love

resonates eternally

in the songs of the Soul

endless verses

music and notes

written in the heart

Poems rooted in blood.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.                                                                    


Around The Years


With you

on the slow journey

inside the sleepless answers

and dispersed over time

on this trip

never finished

around the years

not yet arrived

at the terminus.

In the eyes

the smile is

always on

in the folds of life

springs are

the roots sunk

in the depths of the soul

and everywhere the thought is

an imperishable seed.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.                                                                  


Without Stopping Over Time


I'm talking about poems

of verses that emerged

from the deep ways

I also speak

of love and dreams

of passion and courage

I talk about life.

I will hug you again

continuously over time

we will be companions

along the journey it leads

in the ways of the universe

and in every loved place

in the kingdom of peace.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta.   



FRANCESCO FAVETTA: He was born in Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, true culture, food for the soul! So far, he has written more than 4000 poems, he also writes philosophical reflections and thoughts. In 2018 he was awarded by the Accademia di Sicilia, Academician of Sicily.


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