Saturday, June 1, 2024




Soul Flowers


They are soul flowers

the words that blossom,

the essence of each sentence

it disperses in the areas

where the breeze awaits

diamond and the flow

of the expected emotion

envelops the heart.


They are soul flowers

the words that hurt,

like rose thorns

whose color of the petals

relieves profuse pain

and in a bud

evil is redeemed

uprooted from its shoot.


The corollas open

between lips and true verses,

the historic symphonies

make the void music

and the perfume becomes ecstasy.


They are soul flowers

the thoughts never written,

they wander in the mind

reminding us who we are

a continuous transmutation

in constant wander

ring free.




In the silence of our shadows,

we listen to the turmoil of the soul,

stuck in a path of silent thoughts,

 in which darkness predominates.


Remove that fleece that covers your deepest desires,

screaming them,

every sigh will echo in your reason,

without rules, to reach them.


No one will be able to reverse the course of the senses,

words roam free,

intertwine the most intense verses

that give emotions to live.


Where the will of a modest believer

begs glimmers of power,

the desire to understand the moment,

condemns them to mere semblance.


Hear me, don't stop your heart

that longs for the rhymes of its beat,

read me without stopping,

I will lead you in an authentic storytelling.


It touches every verse of a vivid writing

overcoming every limit,

feel me in my writing of love and meaning,

you will find clear truths.


This world


This world so changing,

tangled in artificial rules

verbose, empty and fragile abyss

consumes time in still air.


Split in its inner core,

trudges in spaces with no more love

defeated and plundered with a grudge

torn apart by vultures hungry for pain.


This world so uncontrollable,

confused and disillusioned by an ignoble madness

every moment takes him away from those fairy tales

crumbling the atmosphere which becomes thin.


A slow black hole approaches,

on the edge of hope it envelops its slope

but justice jolts before the end

overthrowing deception and riding its coat.




SABRINA MORELLI: Born in Rome, she completed her classical studies in 1989 at the Liceo Giosuè Carducci. Legal one’s year 1993 Sapienza Rome. She has never practiced because she is passionate about IT of which she followed the three-year period in 1990 at the Wall Street Institute in Rome as a programmer of the C language Cobol, Unix and Windows programs. Mother of two wonderful boys and unfortunately widowed since September 2020. After the death of her father and her husband's illness in 2018 she began writing poetry, a love for literature that has accompanied her since her classical studies, especially in authors such as Sappho, Plato, Boudelaire, Alda Merini. She is the administrator of two poetry groups and is part of other groups that have awarded her several literary prizes. Some of her poems have also been published in newspapers such as "Buongiorno Taranto" and "Caserta Web". -Radio speaker for a cultural program on Radio Studio 107 Milan. -Boston Academy Award 2021 for the anthology in English “That word called love”CTL Edizioni - Publicist correspondent for the art and literature magazine Live Show Magazine -Menotti Art Festival Spoleto Award 2022 -Academic University AUGE 2023 -Modigliani Prize 2023 -Art Ambassador 2023 -Ambassador of peace and poetry in the world 2023 -Literary Lifetime Achievement Award from the San Zenobi Association Litterae Florentinae 2023 competition -Carthage Academy 2.0 Academic Award from the Senate of the Republic -Member of the Academic Senate of the Carthage 2.0 International Cultural Academy -Nominated for the 2023 Strega Poetry Prize with the anthology dedicated to cancer patients "A moment of life" Edizioni Pan Di Lettere. -Literary Lifetime Achievement Award The Grand Award of Excellence “Between Words and Infinity” 2023. -Nominated for the 2023 Campiello Prize with the novel “Sophìa the Indigo Girl” by Di Carlo Edizioni - Lifetime member of the Dante Alighieri Society -Associate Academician of the Tiberina Academy of Rome from 2023 -Costiera Arte Award 2023 -Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Literature and Art Roger II of Sicily Icona di Verificata con community

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