Saturday, June 1, 2024




Heroes Undone


A wounded homeland,

from everywhere the stench is overwhelming,

the decay of your dignity,

irreversibly tarnished.

The blood of your brave sons has stained,

I hear their bones creaking,

I listen to the lament of their mothers,

the sacrifice has proven unjust.


For a shirt left empty, void of dignity,

Yet filled with a genuine longing for Freedom,

and stylishly sophisticated for sale.

Listen to the thirty silvers that ring betrayal,

don't close your ears anymore,

look into your own pocket,

before hastily passing judgment.


Hidden Secrets of the Night


Full moon...

Night that hides secrets,

Come and cover tonight the cold shiver of loneliness.

My crazy and entranced thought,

The night voracious awaits you.

It seeks tricks for sure,

Leave quickly... leave now... be careful.

Wear your best for me,

Turn cheerful towards dawn,

Stay in the light, don't get lost,

In the light where you know what you seek.


Full Moon


The wolf howls in a silence

the mad ones dance

love sets up a celebration

and we go again from the beginning.

Full moon...

light of passion and darkness of mistake,

light that awakens the beasts of my soul

light that you dream cheaply, my wayward self.

Full moon...

It's your strong light

silver sheet tickles the night

a veil that conceals

cries and wounds.

Full moon...

Dominates the mood

foolish moon

balloon of the dream

give me back the lost peace.

Full moon...




EVITA CONSTANTINOU is a teacher and comes from Cyprus where she lives with her family. She studied at the Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina and has been working as a teacher in primary schools for twenty-two years. She began writing poetry from a young age, composing both free verse and traditional rhyming poems about everyday life and social issues. Her particular interest lies in Cypriot poetry and local dialect. In the last two years, she has ventured into songwriting, having written a total of 15 songs and collaborating with both Greek and Cypriot composers.6 of the songs are included on the musical album "Like a Kite," which accompanies her first poetry collection, "Kite's Ascension," which was self-published. Both her poetry collection and her children's fairy tale have been approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and are included in the school curriculum. As a concerned spirit, it constantly develops and evolves by following various circles of writing workshops, poetry and children's literature. It actively participates in various social, philanthropic, and cultural activities throughout Cyprus. Its works are also published in various online literary magazines or blogs and announcements of her poems in radio broadcasts. She is registered in the Union of Cypriot Writers - ELK, the Cyprus Children and Youth Book Association (CYBBY), and the Limassol Writers Society - Vasilis Michailidis. Since 2021, it belongs to the writing force of the publishing house Chronos Editions.


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