Saturday, June 1, 2024





Planes' sounds are approaching to extinguish the light within us

The enemy is coming fast


I'm screaming!

If we wait, our cowardly consciences won't serve any purpose

Our freedom is ending

There's no other homeland to go to


The minions of the enemy are deceitful

If the light of the intellectuals goes out

What will remain of the homeland?

What will remain to believe in?


Despite all kinds of evil,

For my homeland and freedom at any cost,

That magnificent light ignited by my ancestor

It fills me up again...





Uçakların sesleri yaklaşıyor

İçimizdeki ışığı söndürmeye

Hızla geliyor düşman



Beklersek, ödlek vicdanlarımız

Hiçbir işe yaramayacak

Bitiyor özgürlüğümüz

Gidecek başka vatan yok


Düşmanın uşakları hin

Aydınların ışığı sönerse

Ne yaşanacak vatan

Ne inanılacak din kalacak


Her türlü kötülüğe rağmen

Vatanım ve özgürlüğüm için

Ne pahasına olursa olsun dendiğinde

Ata’mın yaktığı o muazzam ışık


Dolduruyor içimi yeniden...



Earth And Human


When God created human

He first said to the galaxies: Be

He said to the planets: Be

They all became 


The sun mountains, rivers, streams

Let there be forests too

There should be oceans too

He adorned it with flowers

The world became very beautiful

He then pondered If there were to be humans

How would the world be?

He made his decision

Let me start with fish

Then reptiles and insects

Flying birds are also needed

There must be mammals


Now then! Let's have some fun

He said to the monkey to be, but

The monkey couldn't entertain it wasn't funny enough


Let me upload various emotions

Let it be funnier than the monkey

He said "be" and it became human

Morality, faith, humanity

Even if it's difficult,

humans were learning through education

but when it's in their interest

All they learned they instantly forgot

Humans, really were funnier than the monkey...



Dünya ve İnsan


Tanrı insanı yaratırken

Önce ol dedi galaksilere

Ol dedi gezegenlere 

Hepsi oldular


Güneş dağlar akarsular dereler

Ormanlar da olsun okyanuslar da olmalı

Donattı çiçeklerle

Çok ta güzel oldu dünya


Düşündü sonra

İnsan olursa

Dünya nasıl olacak acaba?


Kararını verdi, balıkla başlayayım

Sonra sürüngenler ve böcekler

Uçan kuşlar da lazım

Memeli hayvanlar olmalı


Eh şimdi!

Biraz da eğlenelim

Ol dedi maymuna, ama

Maymun eğlendiremedi

Komik değildi yeterince


Çeşitli duygular yükleyeyim

Maymundan daha komik olsun

Ol dedi ve oldu insan


Ahlak inanç insanlık

Zorlansa da eğitimle öğreniyordu  insan

Çıkarı olduğunda ama

Tüm öğrendiklerini unutuyordu anında


İnsan, gerçekten

Daha komikti maymundan...





I'm searching for my relatives

But I can't find them

Ah! If only I could find a wealthy relative


If you're searching

There's an easy way to find them


As you wander around

Say you inherited


It won't even take a week

Even those in the grave will come knocking

You'll find them all at your doorstep...





Arıyorum akrabalarımı


Ah! Zengin bir akrabamı  bulsam


Madem arıyorsun

Kolayı var bulmanın


Dolaşırken etrafta

Miras kaldı bana de

Akşamına kalmaz

Mezardakiler bile çıkar gelir

Hepsini bulursun kapında...





Dr. Barbaros İrdelmen: Born in 1952, he has been living in Istanbul for 48 years, active in his profession. His selected poems have been translated into English, Greek and Spanish in national and international anthologies, poetry festivals and selection books. He is a member of the Poetry Columnist of the Literature Magazine, the Editorial Board of the Kirpi Literature and Think Journal, the Research and Publication Board of the Papirus Journal, and the Writers' Union of Turkey. Along with the author's seven published poetry books, sixteen e-Book Poetry books are available on Google books. 

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