Saturday, June 1, 2024




Lost Hope


A faint ray of dying sunlight

illuminates the last scene

on stage

of the sea.

Lives broken, disastrously

now they float among the painful waves

of a stormy sea.

They are helpless hearts,

now devoid of desires, which the current annihilates

drags in the undertow.

They were simple men, but full of dreams.

Poor deluded people to whom

bad luck, forever, has robbed their faded hope.

Concetta La Placa t.d.r.


Treads And Embroideries

Of Poetry


I write words

that my soul

regurgitates, on a melancholy evening.

I delve into the depths

of this interior

and strange island.

I'm reeling in emotions

and the feelings that populate it.

I get lost, I find myself,

while words that make music of life,

of love and passion

they rise and fix themselves

on a white sheet.

And in this introspective place

weaving and embroidering threads of poetry.

Concetta La Placa.@t.d.r.


You, Loved Dream.



the eyes BLUE and weeping,

I glimpsed you beyond the line of infinity

that divides the sky from the sea

You wandered among

the gray cirrus clouds of dancing clouds.

You were ethereal imagination,

desire and dream longed for and then

slowly faded with the passage of time.

Concetta La Placa@15/01/2024 t.d.




CONCETTA LA PLACA: The author, Concetta la Placa, was born in Caltanissetta in Sicily on 07/30/1960 and lives in Rome. From an early age she has always shown that she has a creative nature. She holds a degree in administration and management of social policies. She loves literature and poetry in general. She is passionate about reading and creative writing. In December 2020 her first collection of poems was published, entitled "Cosmic Love and Emotions in the Wind". It is a collection of 55 poems, all linked by a single common thread: Cosmic Love, which is love for the little things that surround us in this immensity and love for simplicity, enriched only by pure emotions and true feelings. The author has published several poems in numerous national and international anthologies of various authors and various contests to which she has contributed with her participation. The list of publications would be a bit long and is therefore omitted.


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