Vs C
vs. Cancer)
Dedicated to Madeline
Marx who asked for it
Into this
world where cancer still has not found a cure
another greater scourge to eliminate mankind
debilitate society
caring for age or amount of money as cancer does not care
into the body invisibly undetected until almost too late
There is
no cure for either though cancer has been around longer
And has
taken too many lives to count from this earth
my own mother and friends and a dear cousin
All of
whom fought it until it was too late and it overtook them
So corona
overtakes and cares not for how long you suffer
Or how
you struggle to breathe
It is an
insidious virus that invades your body and destroys until you
are no
longer able to function
As does
cancer if it can’t be contained.
Lucky for
the world there are ways to stop this deadly cancer and in
years many times remissions have occurred, including my
own sweet
niece who has beaten it off for now
And people
are searching for a once and for all cure for cancer
eradicate it and make it a defunct disease
corona virus or Covid-19 has its ups and downs
For some
it is just a few small symptoms and a few days of rest
But for
others it is a life sentence as they must use machines to breathe
And then
only some come off of them and recover
There is
no cure and survivors breathe a sigh of relief to be back in the world
Too many
have succumbed to cancer and now too many to corona virus
if we close our eyes and knock our sparkling red shoes together saying
no place like home” we might one day find a way to eliminate this
But until
a scientist stumbles upon a cure or a vaccine is safe enough to give us all
we will
continue to wear masks and wash our hands in hopes of keeping away
deadly disease-- and keep ourselves safe against a virus that is invisible and
We cannot
cure cancer or find a vaccine yet but my hope is that soon this too will become
a defunct disease and we will be able to live our lives on earth without the
threat of
disease invading them and taking away our loved ones.
Too many
have been lost due to both diseases, and it is my hope that soon
airwaves will not be filled each day with the stories of more and more people
who are
getting this disease or the worst part, the daily death toll
as if we
are once again watching the numbers of killed in a war
We are
fighting a war and it is time to suit up
or stay
at home behind the lines where it is safe.
2020 by Barbara Ehrentreu
Back Up When You Are Down
“Nothing is impossible.
The word itself says I’m possible.”
Audrey Hepburn
When your
world has torn into pieces
too small
to think you will ever put them together
and you
find yourself searching for a way
to bring
these pieces back to their shape
In the
weary moments of struggling in your mind
there is
an answer for the determined sufferer
For me it
seemed my puzzle would never come together
it was missing a big important piece
one that
defined it and without it I thought it couldn’t exist
For how
can one exist when a vital part is missing?
searching for a way to complete what
felt an
impossible task – to put my life back together
I tried
each day to live moment to moment
if I could get through this one brief minute
I could
go through the next
But my
favorite movie star expressed what I needed most
To hear –
it could be done -- for nothing is impossible
I was
still there and though my puzzle couldn’t be finished
the way I
wished – I could leave it and move onto another
for in
order to feel more together I needed to have flexibility
something didn’t work I needed to move on
I didn’t
have to depend on only one way
but I did
need to know that continuing on I would achieve my goal.
puzzles might come my way
but I
didn’t need to solve or complete them all
In doing
them, eventually I would come to see
what I
had thought was impossible come to fruition
A life
devoid of color and light would somehow blossom again
Like a
garden where the flowers had been cut for bouquets
will once
more have blooms growing in a few weeks
I was the
bush with my most precious flowers gone but
gardener had left the stems and my roots were firmly
in the soil of my home
seemed impossible has appeared again -- and now
blossoms grow once more
as I
realize the beauty and the fragrance of their presence.
2020 by Barbara Ehrentreu
from The Garden of Poetry and Prose on Facebook
The Secret To A Tranquil Life
The Key To Your Treasure
people feel life is a performance
where you
must always dress up and play a part
saunter through as if on a stage
to be something they aren’t
this is the way to a tranquil existence
everything is dedicated to their happiness
no matter
the consequence or the feelings of others around them
They do
not deal honestly with most people
For that
is against what they are trying to do
plays very little part in their lives
as they
use and abuse the people with whom they are dealing
And these
actors in their own lives never find a tranquil moment
for they
are constantly on and perpetually spinning the next lie.
As a
child I used to want to be one of the chosen ones
And then
I learned that I was way too honest to be one of them
honesty was jammed into me as a child when as a young girl
I grabbed
a tiny, no bigger than my fingernail at the time, plastic baby doll
Woolworth’s and put it in my pocket – then showed it proudly to my parents
But they
were mortified and ordered me, a barely seven-year-old, to go
confess and give back this treasure I had acquired
again would I be placed in that position for not telling the truth
Or for
going against the rules of needing to pay for what I chose – well
never until as an adult for lack of money --
So I
remained a straightforward, mostly honest, fair-dealing person
And found
that fame and fortune were never to be mine
most of what I needed to do, as I learned much older, was to lie,
and misrepresent to get the prize
I said no
to lying and not fair dealing and chose honesty
insurance was never going to make me tranquil.
And I
found my treasure when I learned my words
placed on
a page made me happy and I could do it honestly
For the
more honest I was the more impact they had on the
who read them.
is what I deal in now
frankly, it has made me tranquil and happy and
others who appreciate that has been my treasure.
2020 by Barbara Ehrentreu
Just A Place To Kneel
and handcuffed
he placed
his knee on the
neck as if needing a rest
He chose
this neck of his perp
pressed down until
it cut off
this man’s breath
he looked around
as if
placing and pressing a knee into a neck
was just
a place to kneel
And the
victim screamed “Stop I can’t breathe”
but the
words meant nothing
for this
uncaring officer saw only
another —
one not like him
and he
believed this other darker skinned human
to be a
place where he, the officer, had free will
to push
his knee into this throat
No one
interfered or rushed to the victim’s aid
of the guns worn by the officers
and not
wanting that officer to be pushing on their necks
A sad
tableau seen and videoed -- of inhumanity
out on a city street while injustice screamed
and was
muted by the pressure of a knee
as a
sanctioned action became deadly by the force
of this
life-destroying knee.
2020 by Barbara Ehrentreu
Ehrentreu grew up in the United States in Brooklyn
and Queens. She currently lives in Stamford, CT. She has a Masters Degree in
Reading and Writing K-12. If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor and After are her
two YA novels. Barbara has a poetry book, You’ll Probably Forget Me: Living
With and Without Hal. Her poems are
published in anthologies, including Poets To Come: The Walt Whitman
Bicentennial Anthology, Crossroads: A Poet's Journey edited by Luzviminda G.
Rivera and World Poetry Open Mic Anthology for 2019, 2018, 2017. Her short
screenplay, “The Kiss” has won awards at both Indie Gathering, where it won 1st
prize for a short Romantic comedy and Action on Film, where it won Honorable Mention
for Dialogue in a short screenplay. She has a blog, Barbara's Meanderings, is
Regional Director for the West for Motivational Strips and hosts a radio show,
Books and Entertainment Tales from the Pages, monthly. She is a member of
Greenwich Pen Women Letters and SCBWI
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