Tuesday, September 1, 2020



Freedom, I Found You, You're Mine!

Freedom, I found you, you're mine!
I feel the sweet-bitter taste, like no one else's!
You amaze me, because you are to me, as in a story,
Relief, delight, exaltation, forgetfulness!

Freedom, welcome to life's stateless sand!
I wanted you, I missed you, I finally found you
On the great shore of dreams with dozens of paraphernalia,
Caressed, studied, initiated in the moments of the sunrise!

Freedom, I love you, I confess before Heavenly Father!
I want to live my life with you, to always look you in the eyes,
I smell the scent of the moments that pass, spend and always compete
With the time that cuts off their wings and constantly torments their soles!

Freedom, you are my happiness, the radiance of the rays that caress my face!
You are the executioner of suffering! You are the prayer of the desire! You are the cure of the being and the gift of the will!
Freedom, I found you, you're mine!
I feel the sweet-bitter taste, like no one else's!


Thoughts stirred up by the shrill scream of a lost memory
Bated breath of some amok steps
An oblivion messed up by the pale face seen in the mirror
A longing clinging to a heart that seeks its words
The shadow of a sunrise killed by ignorance
Among these evidences a soul in a perpetual search
And a love in the middle of a storm that only raises hypotheses
The blue sky is not in sight
The present displays a different horizon,
Two hearts breathing a different air.

I'm a point

I'm a point in a world of points
I wander the wet ground, sniffing the air of life
I feel the caress of age running through my body dizzy with feelings
Hungry spots feed on the restlessness of the day
At the table of apparent colorless silence
They gather their steps to counsel in the indefinite space of amnesic living
Looking for the beginning of a new breath
All they hear is the illusory scream of resignation
In the midst of this uncertain search, the heartbeat makes its presence felt
I am a point in a world of points masterfully outlined by the brush of hope
In the center of an easel that only inspires and exhales life
Otherwise, just blue.


IRINA CRISTINA ȚENU: Born in 21.05.1981, Vaslui county, România. Member of different poetry groups. President of World Poets Asociation – Vaslui, a literature and art platform, branched in 2020. She published in serveral online publications and magazines.  Awards for national and international poetry contests. Co-author in several national and international anthologies. Author's volumes: „The philosophical horizon of the relationship between identity and ethnicity”, Junimea Publishing House, 2012; “Word Painter”, Liric Graph Publishing House, 2016.

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