Monday, January 1, 2018




after the turns
of the lack
there are many
stories too
tell, but
I'm silent

I would like to
go with you
to the end
of the world

carry you
and breathe
with you

stay with you
as long as possible

I want to fly
with my broken
wings on the wind
of eternal love

if only I could

I want to
dwell on time
and talk with you
about all lost moments

turn back the clock

if only I could
© Bianca


numb are the days
around the corner
of the house
empty are the streets
when I look at meaning
the eyes are different
if no one shows up
in the rivers without flow
love sleeps in a cold bed
yesterday will say much more
then a concrete image with
overgrown green and broken
burst by frost in November
dont say anything
the silence is much better
I comfort myself in the
shadow of existence
© Bianca


there are a lot of fish
swimming in the big ocean

one is tenacious
the other flamboyant
or stubborn, frustrated,
cheerful, vindictive,
content, free from worry,
vicious, melancholy,
cynical, remorseful,
grumpy, cherished,
blessed, welcomed,
in the seventh heaven,
euphoric, aggressive,
disillusioned, cowardly,
tormented, hunted,
suspicious, alert,
moved, chaotic,
rudderless or desired

they all have power
distinction is in the colors
maroon, olive green,
purple, magenta, cyan,
ocher yellow, aquamarine,
khaki, turquoise, lavender,
cornflower blue, violet,
fuchsia, indigo, snow white,
anthracite gray, pitch black,
transparent or love red

there are a lot of fish
swimming in the big ocean

all different,
but all fish


BIANCA HAZENBERG-HUBERT is a creative and spiritual poet. Her poems show the feelings that people experience on a subtle and touching way. She was born in the Netherlands in Groningen and has lived 30 years of her life in the small village of Groningen Sauwerd. Here she lives with her husband, two daughters and their dog. Beside poetry she has interests in music, photography, painting, nature, reading and spirituality. There are now published two books of poetry from her: "Temple of my mind 'in 2015 and' Spiegelscherven'in 2016. Many poems in various poetry collections. Published in literary magazine: Scoon Schip. Publications in the USA,  Africa and Bangladesh.

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