Saturday, December 1, 2018




Show me the way your trail
to find,
you are the moon that lights
my sky.
Pave the path
with leaves and twigs,
your tracks that I may find
in the morning mist.

The stars above
I shall request
a rosary on your arms
to rest
and fate’s law to bequest,
that you may always
lightly tread
while Angels smile
on your sweet head
…and when my way home at night
I find
your body’s touch sets me alight!


I fell in love with the colors of your lake,
water lilies dancing in the wave…
My hands into your waters longingly I dipped
some droplets onto my dry scorched lips to bring!
Your Doric form reflected
 into my cupped hands
Smiling like Narcissus
as it stands!
Playing tricks with the water
as it blends!

And then, one with the drops
I become!
A water lily swinging
in the wave!
A color from the much
beloved lake!
A fairy in the sky
 flying away!


I speak of you as of a silver shower
while I,  a garden parched,
await for your downpour with hands outstretched.
I dream of fragrant shrubberies
of lilies rare…
The ones your rain envelops
As they spread out and loom large!

I speak of you as of a sweet sensation
that spreads with eventide
in the luminous trails of Zephyrus.
Our caress blazes trough the night.
I speak of you and I cry out
for your love!
Rumble and thunder
pierce the air with your name
This name,
This downpour,
This eventide,
The caress my life
embroidered on my skin…
thus I became your garden
my precious rain!


RANIA  ANGELAKOUDI  lives most of the time in Greece. She was born in a smal town in Sweden and dreaming of became a painter. She  studied everything about great painters. At the same time she started introduce herself in poetry writing some two or three lyrics as a teenager.Later on at university she studied English Literature and language.This helped her to meet the famous British and American Poets. In combination with the Greeks created her  own poetic path receiving many international and national awards.The most important in 2015 under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of culture based in Ankona.She was awarded in a special ceremony and she is the unique Poetess in Greece who has received that honour.She has nominated as the Icon for World Peace in November 2016. Later on  January 2017 she  was titled Ambassador at large for Greek and Swedish Branches for WIP organization. She has contributed work to a number of national and international  Collections  and  Anthologies. She works as a Journalist  and a Teacher. She is an active environmentalist, supporter for human rights and peace in the world.

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