Friday, July 1, 2022





When you clasped my trembling hands

In a passionate frenzy,

My shy heart smelled the buds of desire in your breath

 My youth blossomed into a thousand ecstatic blooms.


Behind the curtain of lounging darkness

The petals of love opened in cheer

To drink the sweet dew drops of Your enamoured eyes

The heaving passion in your body

Encircled my youthful bust

And swirled around my thirsty frame

 like the drunken bees in a spring garden .


I felt the warmth of your love oozing

On my lips, my nipples and hips

And felt ecstatic as a lotus feels

At the kisses of the morning Sun.


My Bed


My bed has witnessed

Scenes of romance and horror

Dreams and nightmares

Soaked in wet pillows

And crumpled sheets

Silently absorbing my secrets

Like a wise sister or kind mother.


The dim bed light

Like a lonely star

Pierces into the firmament

Of my dark thoughts

And painful memories

While the year-stained pillow

Suffers the pangs of my heart.


My bed

Sometimes ecstatic

Sometimes weary

Somehow nourishes

The vague images and words

Released from the scraps of my mind.


The friendly moon

Peers through the window blinds

Envying my bed

Where we enjoy the manna of love

Sometimes in slow motion

Sometimes in violent action

I look at the smiling or frowning moon

Sit up with a piece of paper

To compose some rhymes

Praising or scolding the night

And it’s heavy steps trodding my dreams!





Dr SUMITRA MISHRA is a Retired Principal and Professor of English from Bhubaneswar, Odisha! She is a bilingual writer who has published books both in English and Odia! She has to her credit 7 anthologies of English poetry and one book of English short stories published by Authors press, Delhi! The names of her books being Penelope’s Web, Flames of Silence, The Soul of Fire, Still the Stones Sing, The Red Moon, Roses and Bruises, Whispering Shadows & Reminiscence! Dr Mishra has to her credit  7 anthologies of poems, 6 collections of short stories, 3 full pledged plays and 3 books of translation published in Odia!

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