Thursday, August 1, 2024



Embrace Our Humanity


In this world of chaos, let's strive to find peace,

Embrace our humanity, let love flood our hearty.

With empathy as our guide, let's walk side by side,

Building bridges of understanding across this vast land.


Let's cherish diversity, let differences shine,

For unity in variety, define our strength.

In the tapestry of life, each thread has its place,

Let's celebrate uniqueness, with dignity and highness.


Let's nurture compassion, let it bloom and grow,

Everywhere and in every heart.

Sowing seeds of kindness, wherever we go,

And healing wounds of division.


Let's listen to each other, respecting every voice,

Erasing doubts and fears, restore confidence and hopes.

Let's lift each other up, in times of despair,

For together we're stronger, and better than ever.


Let's learn from our mistakes, and strive to do better,

Forging paths of righteousness, united in our endeavor.

Let's leave a legacy of love, for generations to come,

A beacon of hope, shining bright in the darkest times.


So let's stand together, in this journey called life,

Being human with purpose, banishing strife and differences.

For a better humanity, let's all play our part,

With compassion as our guide, let's heal the world's heart.





The realm of hearts, let peace reside,

A beacon of hope and gentle Love.

No room for vile desire or greed,

Just love and kindness to inspire.


In God's vision, we all unite,

No evil, hate, or endless discrimination.

No murder stains our hands with blood,

But rather, compassion and justiça.


No scorn, no racial slurs, no bias,

In peace and love, we are reborn.

Sectarian divides shall cease to be,

In harmony, we all are free.


Gender equality, in the fabric of peace,

A fundamental right, woven tight.

No discrimination based on hue,

Or religion or sect, we are all brothers.


So let us strive, hand in hand,

To spread peace across this world.

For the peace that God decrees,

Is the peace that sets all souls free.


In hearts of gold, let peace take hold,

In every soul, let harmony rise.

Across the lands, let kindness flow,

And in humanity's bond, our true community.



Love Is Peace


In a vast and endless universe,

Life dances in its eternal ritual.

In every breeze and every sigh,

Love for existence is a peace.


In the glow of the rising dawn,

Resides the charm of life.

The flowers dance with grace and color,

Celebrating the miracle of tomorrow.


On every path, with every step,

Love for life is a wellspring.

The sun caresses with a warm embrace,

While the stars paint the space.


In the murmur of the serene river,

The echo of dawn is heard.

Love for the living calls us,

In every soul, in every feeling.


In the beat of the fervent heart,

Love gently beats.

For every insect, for every leaf,

Life is a perfect treasure.


In every gaze, in every smile,

Love for life is a blaze.

In every laugh, in every tear,

Existence is a gentle breeze.


So, in every moment, in every beat,

Love for life is our lover.

Because in this vast ephemeral world,

To love what exists is our empire.





TAGHRID BOU MERHI: Taghrid Bou Merhi, a Lebanese multilingual poet, writer, journalist and translator living in Brasil. She has authored 18 books and three encyclopedias, a translator of 27 books to date, a presenter of 25 books (13 Arabic books and 12 internacional books), and she participated in more than 60 Arabic books and more than 75 anthology internacional. She is an active member of various literary and creative platforms and editor of 10 Magazine Arabic. She is an advisory member among ten internacional poetry consultants chosen by Chinese media giant CCTV. She is advisor to the International Union of Arab Intellectuals, in the Media Authority for Translation Affairs and advisor to the countries Al-Sham literary platform for literary translation. Ambassador of the World Organization for Creativity for Peace in London. Taghrid is a member of the prestigious platform of the World Writers' Union, Kazakhstan. She is a member of the International Literary Association Creative Tribune. International judge for two consecutive years, 2023 and 2024, in the Walt Whitman International Competition. Lebanese ambassador in the International Fellowship for Creativity and Humanities, England-London. Ambassador of Lebanon in the World Union of Writers and Artists in Portugal. Ambassador to The Daily Global Nation newspaper, Bangladesh. Lebanese ambassador in the "International Cultural Salon Association" in Tunisia, Creative Visions. Brazilian ambassador in the American magazine P.L.O.T.S. Magazine Ambassadors. Honorary member of the prestigious international institution Angeena. Accredited ambassador to the Stockholm Project 2023, a leading global project for poets. Accredited ambassador to Miraat Al Hayat magazine and Mubdeoon magazine. Taghrid is a children's story writer who also writes articles (56 articles), critical studies, and research. She is a teacher of Arabic language for non-native speakers. She is a developmental trainer at the Sawa Development Association. She holds a bachelor's degree in law and political science. She is an editor and responsible for the translation department in 8 Arabic print and electronic magazines. She is responsible for translation into both Portuguese and Italian in the "Translators Without Borders" team. She has received numerous international awards, including the Nizar Sartawi International Creativity Award in 2021, Naji Numan Award in literature in 2023, and the SahityaPata Kazi Nazrul Islam Memorial Award in 2022. Taghrid has been honored for her journalistic excellence and has won primer place prize such as the "Zheng Nian Cup" 2023. International Peace Medal Award, Peace Award, certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 2000 poets) , and an honorary prize from the Global Poetic Brotherhood in Texas, USA, for translating global poetry into Arabic, French, and Italian. Taghrid has been honored with the International Poet Zhen Xin Award for 2022 and 2023, and was honored with the "World Leaders Award" among 140 global personalities by WORLD GALA, and SAHITO INTERNACIONAL AWARD FOR LITERATURE "WINNERS OF JURY AWARD FOR LITERATURE 2023". She received the Journalistic Excellence Shield from the Nile and Euphrates Paper Magazine in 2022 and 2023. Taghrid has also been recognized with honorary certificates as a journalist from Mubadara Magazine, Mirror of International Life Agency, and Innovators Magazine.. Her writings are part of several national and international magazines, newspapers, journals and anthologies. Her poems have been translated into 47 languages, studied by literary critics, and featured on international radio stations.. She speaks six languages (Arabic English Spanish Italian French And Portuguese ).

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