Thursday, August 1, 2024




Life Is Transient


 Today we are here

 tomorrow we may not be there,

 so let's catch our little moment of happiness,

 and let's keep it because it is worth its weight in gold,

 let's not let its shine fade.


 We humans do not understand that life is fleeting,

 and to bother our thoughts with unimportant things,

 instead of enjoying each day

 and his wonderful charms.


 Not every day is full of smiles and peace,

 but each of us chooses our life path,

 each of us should actually be grateful,

 on the little things that cut special threads in our heart.


 And let's hug each other,

 that this world ceases to be a tunnel of sadness,

 which our hearts go through constantly,

 let's give our maximum love.


 Should we really allow that?

 to fall to the very bottom,

 so that only then will we all understand,

 how valuable it is to live in peace and love.


Your Shine


 Dear soul, you who may be suffering right now,

 it's time to open your eyes so you can see all the beauty in the world,

 life is neither honey nor milk,

 but with your smile you make it bloom.


 Do you know that they are the greatest fighters?

 who have fallen at least once in their life,

 those who have felt all possible pain,

 but they didn't give up.


 It seems to me that right now,

 I see your tears through these verses,

 that's how happy I'd like to be,

 that's how she would like to make her dreams come true.


 And it seems to you that no one understands you,

 that nothing goes according to plan,

 hey...wake up from the embrace of darkness,

 and find at least something beautiful in every day.


 You've lost so much already,

 and it seems to you that every loss is your greatest defeat...

 I ask you this now: do you have heart and soul,

 do you have love in you and a clean face?


 If the answer is yes, then know one thing,

 you are the star of this world

 the one with the most beautiful shine...


 And don't turn it off because then the sky would cry,

 and the rains of life would fall like crazy,

 every tear of yours is a drop of rain,

 and the rays of your smile offer so much wealth to this world.


 Dear soul, you who was not caressed by life, no,

 don't let anyone extinguish the sparkle in your eyes,

 burns stronger every day with the ardor of life,

 and be blessed with a heavenly gift.


 And hey...Proudly wear your smile on your face,

 may the sky envy you for your beauty,

 because remember: it's not gold in gold,

 but in mental goodness.


 Just You And Me


 Tonight, when the lights all go out,

 then only the heavenly spell remains,

 and this night full of our passion,

 while we try to steal kisses from each other.


 While we look into each other's eyes, without a single word,

 our hearts united enjoy happiness,

 only the stars look at us innocently,

 as if they don't give us peace.


 Only you and me, and this universe seems to know,

 that we are two beings joined into one,

 because this is just our moment,

 just our story.


 Just you and me,

 two souls and two hearts,

 entwined in a vortex of love,

 with the speed of kisses that cannot be stopped.


 Our eyes tell us everything,

 for us others do not exist,

 just me and you and lips joined together,

 while our hands touch only the sky, embraced.




DANIJELA ĆUK: Autor's name is Danijela Ćuk. She was born on May 25, 1989. in Vukovar with residence in Rijeka (Croatia). She writes poetry, so far she has published two independent collections of poetry and participated in 20 joint collections. She graduated from high school for tourism. With her poetry, she advocates for peace in the world.

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