Thursday, August 1, 2024




I'm Not Afraid


I’m not fear the eternal night

I travel in it for many centuries

I have conquered blooming stars,

unknown planets

I have escaped from the lusty mouth of black holes

I cried for my lost dreams

I escaped from the shackles

of meaningless desires

I danced madly with the shadows

of my passions

I wandered through the dimensions

of timeless searches

I smelled the smell

of absolute fear,

of nightmares’ stinking breath,

of the war’s pain

I'm not hiding anymore

from the bottomless darkness

I'll search into that

the truth of the first day of my reborn life


We Could


It could happen sometime

even to us

lost one’s space travelers

It could happen some day

even to us

the strange hunters

of the mysteries of the Universe

It could happen at some point

even to us

the scholars of strange mysteries

of an unrevealed truth

We could hug

our brothers in conspiracy

and humbly lead them

on the planet of eternal love

We could live all together

in a world that will not have

suffering, sorrow, pain, hatred

We could be someday real people


The Book Of Your Life


You read the big book of your life

In the heat of reading

they bloom in your breast

lilies and hyacinths,

smiles of mythical horizons,

the embrace of a spring girl,

the rain of dreams

You study your history

which has not yet been written

Legends of beauty and lust

for unprecedented worlds

they grow around you,

banishing analgesia

of indigestible times,

the absence of the heartless Winter

that others laid in you,

the impasse of destinations

which others have ordained for you to follow

You run behind words

who struggle in vain to escape you,

carving into your mind and heart

meanings you didn't know existed

Your book is arriving on its last page

You raise your head

but your wings

they are no longer broken

Your tomorrow is starting to gain

shape and form

Your soul will no longer be idle,

weighing your book

the beneficial in messages of hope

You type with fervor on your computer,

trapping in it the body of infinity


I Remember


I remember the now broken promises

of the heavenly abyss

how will i ever conquer

the planets of my dreams

the improbable worlds

of the sky which they filled

my soul with awe and hope

how it will flood my being

with their uncontrollable light

But I was afraid

that, will lead to suffocation

my immense happiness

I felt exposed, uncovered, naked

as with a mechanical horse

I galloped inland

of my desires

Now I have committed

the crime of complete failure

of my most lustful pursuits

Anyway, I've given up from any liability

for their abandonment and loss

Only the night is guilty

and eternal darkness

Now I will disappear too

in one last breath

of the criteria

for a pure, purified life




CHRISTOS DIKBASANIS is a poet, writer and scholar of religions. He was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, where he graduated from the Theological School of the Aristotle University. He holds a Master's Degree from the Theological School with a specialization in Religious Studies. It has been included in the "Great Encyclopedia of Modern Greek Literature" of Haris Patsi publications and in the “Who's Who” of journalists. He has been honored with many national and international awards for his poems.


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